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Welcome to My Home Page.

Welcome. This site is for the characters that I, my self Role play as. There are several as well as my OOC ( Out of Character ) profile on here that will tell you a little about my self and whats on the up and up for the upcoming of new characters, or role plays that I am thinking about coming up with. On a different note, I would like to you take the time to look threw my website. Maybe on of my character will interest you. You can reach me on TK ( The Keep ) CC ( CyberChat ) Realms. Or you could email me at the email address below and see when the next time I will be on the site's so we could possibly RP.



A list of my Characters, there personality aswell as there race and weapon of choice. As well as who they are with, as far as relationship wise. Those are not for closed Role Play and I am deeply Sorry if your interested in them. They each will have there own link with all thre information added to it as well. Thank you

All Character's Are Ment for Mature Role Play ONLY!

The One Below Is Under Construction.. Please Be Patient.

Draci Vanzig
Race - Vampire
Weapon - Sword. 5"8' Katana
Personality - Sweet. Romantic. Out spoken aswell as VERY sexual in his way of talking to one. ( tried to find a better word for it )

Draci Vanzig

This one is my pride and joy. Don't Try And Fuck Him Up... anymore then he already is.... please AND I will be adding to this character very soon, it will have its own link For the time he spent in hell.

Race - Demon
Weapon - Sword - Here is a special one, It levitates off the ground by 5inches, There is a black glow around it that who ever holds the Onxy Gantlets can weild the sword because everything in a 5ft radius is instantly kill unless being used in a fight then that is counted out, And can grow from 5inches to 5ft 6inches
Personality - Cold, Crule, Blunt, Heartless and much much more.


This next character is Taken, aswell as one of my favorites.

Amon ( From his lover )
Vampiric Demon
6" Katan with a black shef.
Personality - Schizophrenic.


There will be many more to come. As well as updates, changes and adding to there history as time goes by, There update's as to there love life, partener or lives they have taken.
