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Volvo - The Pearl, the new Cadillac and the Kjell Rundgren Family in Sweden - May 2010.

Before we enjoy clicking through his recent Family History (below) here is Kjell Rundgren in Sweden with an update for the Spring of 2010 to include pictures of his "new" Cadillac!

From: Kjell Rundgren (
Sent: Mon 4/12/10 3:57 PM

Hi my frend , I be glad to hear from you its a bit of earth . But I must be of fawor , will you send me a sticker of Texas lone star to have on the Cadillac . I promouse to send pictures of the new car and we have The Black Pearl so side by side it be nice . Best Regards from Kjell & Ann Marie.


May 1, 2010 – email/pics from Kjell…


Here comes some pictures of my new Cadillac, one with a proud owner. The old PV 444 and the new Cadillac.

I also send you a picture of my son and his Opel Astra. Best regards and take care.

Kjell & Ann-Marie Rundgren

The 2008 Rundgren Family site begins below but first here are links to all the past sites from many years back.


The early days

Sommer 2007

The Black Pearl

More XC70

And even more XC70

A letter from Kjell

One of Kjell's many books

More from 2007

More poetry

Grandson Jonathon

Huge Car Show in Sweden

Is this the same Summer 2007 as above?

2007 again?

Getting dizzy?



2008 site begins here.


Kjell and Ann Marie Rundgren have big smiles...

...looking at how the grandson has grown!



(New family pictures follow including a link to the Rundgren Family historical web sites and pictures of The Pearl - Volvo PV444)


To start the New Year 2008 here is the latest from Kjell.


Hi my friernd I will send you and your family : A GOOD YEARS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR BLESSING from us , its a lot of photos that becuse our son Richard and his famili are here this day , if you look at the photos I have a medal and a ring , at the medel its says FORE DEFENCE OF THE NATION and the backside its says MP my rank and grade its fore 3 year in the army . We all will send you a new year greating and hope and good health . And of course some photos of our sons new car a Opel brand new 2008 . Good bless us all.
Swedenfrends Kjell and Ann Marie with famely.

Kjell Rundgren
Violgatan 23
S 65345 Karlstad
Hem:+4654 565406
Mobil:+4670 6016561
Mobil:+4673 9746672
Fax:+4654 565406


Hi my frend its Ann Marie and Kjell from Sweden we send you a new photo of ouer grandson Jonathan his now 4 years old his are sad on the photos don´t now know . Here in Sweden are thats a warm winter its only in the north of Sweden it is snow but not much. But I will not complain its easy for us. Hope you are all right and all is well. So if you will put in the photo on my homepage I be glad, its many here as looking on my homepage and they are inmpress. So we will Thank you for what you are doing fou us Now we vill hope your Christmas be good.
From your Swedenfrend

Kjell and Ann Marie


Hi its Kjell from Sweden , first I will thank you for the new you have done on ouer web. Ann Marie and I are glad for it thats is just like in my book, the poem we wreating together in page 104.
But I will send you some photos I took a few days ago in the last carmeet here i Karlstad its with mobilcamera so its not so good'
Some of the photos are like the moowi Mad Max and other ....... look for your self its a mototbike with a small motorbike and crazy car and bikes so enjoy.
Have it nice. I try and have start work to write a new book or what it will be don´t know yet ??? !!! So if you will help me agin to write I be glad.

To breadwinner in Texas from the same in Sweden "fun".

Your frend Kjell


(new pics start here)



To visit the Rundgren Family historical web sites

click here.