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The Most Reliable Skip Hire London for the last 10 years

Its big, its made of metal and its effectively a big bin for trades and businesses. Nothing so special about it right? But there was a time when the simple idea and invention of the skip hire - nor the trucks to transport them - existed, and when it came to removing aggregate and construction waste materials.

So - where did it come from? Lets see.


Skips played a key part in shaft mining. In this particular kind of mining, a tunnel was excavated vertically from the top down. These tunnels which were later turned into galleries, drifts and levels extended towards the ore body, sometimes for several kilometres. Skips were used inside them to hoist this ore to the surface. If the mining operation was small, the skips were mounted underneath a cage, whereas larger mines had separate shafts for the cage and the skip.


Originally Skips were used in the shaft mining trade, and in this particular kind of mining process a tunnel was excavated, top-down, vertically. These tunnels would later be turned into galleries drifts and levels extended towards the deposit - iron ore, usually - and stretched for several kilometres at times. How did they get the ore to the surface? Skips mounted on a lift system through the shaft.


As Skip Hire London goes for us, were not mining - but it certainly is about moving tonnes of material. In fact, Edwin Walker - the Southport Engineer who popularised and pushed for a mobile skip trade - knew in 1922 what we know now. Convenience is the most important thing for clients.


For a Skip Hire Kensington and elsewhere in London you can Trust to be on-Time - Contact NJB Recycling London


People back then didnt want to live or travel to a landfill site themselves or the facilities where skips were available to use, so Edwin decided to approach Pagefield for a solution. They brought a 300 cubic feet container by horse drawn carriage on 20-inch diameter wheels to the where there was need for waste disposal.


Once these were filled, they would be attached to a Pagefield Lorry and returned to be disposed of. The whole thing was supervised by municipal services. In 1926 the horses were superseded by petrol-fuelled trucks, and ultimately - post WW-II - the need to rebuild and the rise of DIY effectively propelled the humble Skip Hire - Kensington, London and beyond, as we at NJB provide them - to wide-spread use.


If the idea of Skip History stirs something in your or - failing that - you need a Skip Hire London or Kensington way - call NJB Recycling London on 07730 801901 to speak to our staff and see what services we provide suit our needs.