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---Warning: Content Not For Weak Minded Adults or Children---


*Black slowly becomes light as the picture comes into focus. You see Jester walking into the building that his Lawyer is stationed in. He is smiling as he walks through the door. He walks down the hall and up the stairs. He walks into the office and the secretary waves him through and into the office. His Lawyer is sitting there waiting. He seems to have been expecting his visit.*


Lawyer: I was glad to hear from you. After that whole Showdown 50 episode and then this Massacre opening show? I needed to meet up and see what is going on with all of this.


Jester: Everything according to plan my friend. Dont you worry your pretty little head. I got this all under control. Shotgun and his cronies think they can rattle my cage? Get me worried because they have Rage in their corner? Ya I dont think so. I do not acknowledge the goings on of this season opener. I do not recognize or fear this new union between Rage and the Elite. See Rage is not an Elite. He was hired as Mastro was. They think they can throw me off my game before Jaded so that Adkins can take my title from me. They think they can make me freak out and run like a frightened child because big bad Rage is standing with them. I don't buy it. He may be acting like it right now but I don't think Shotgun can afford him for that long. We all know how much he hates Shotgun.


*Jester shakes his head in disbelief before laughing slightly. The Lawyer manages to press him just a little further without pissing him off.*


Lawyer: You are saying that as terrifying as it looks that Rage Shotgun Adkins and Falkenyork are all on the same team it simply isnt the case?


Jester: Ah hell nah. Rage hates Shotgun and Adkins with a passion. The likelyhood is slim to none. No that it would make any bit of difference to me either way. Wether they are paying him very well or they are offering him some sort of benefit. I don't think anything is worth Rages integrity enough that he will last long without tearing Shotguns throat out. So far the only thing I have said I would do that I failed to do was beat the Elite on the final Showdown. That was a mistake and nothing more. We will not be pushed aside so easily. I will prove it at this coming Massacre when I tear Shotgun a new asshole. I im going to stomp a mudhole in his ass and walk it dry.


*His Lawyer smiles now as he is pleased with the resolve of his client. The current XWF World Heavyweight Champion. He is more comfortable with it but he keeps pushing. He seems to want to keep Jester going.*


Lawyer: So you have a match with Shotgun on the next installment of Massacre. You aren't a little scared of what he has in store for you?


Jester: What he has in store? Are you kidding me? He should be more afraid for what I have in store for his ass. I am going to put him through so much pain he will have no choice but to back down. I have my team he has his. If his team is at ringside so is mine. If he keeps his team away I will make sure that his team stays away. I have a back up plan for everything. They all know what to do and they will make sure that it goes as I have it planned to. Mostly because I am that damn good. I will kick that assholes teeth through the back of his throat.


*His Lawyer chuckles a little and then he finishes what he brought Jester in for.*


Lawyer: Alright I need you to sign this paperwork for your upcoming match before you walk away.


Jester: Not a problem boss. Ill get the paperwork out of the way. You got the camera crew outside so I can put up a promo?


*His Lawyer sets the paperwork onto the desk and the hands Jester a pen. Jester signs the paperwork and then hands his Lawyer the paperwork and the pen.*


Lawyer: Absolutely. They will be right outside waiting for you.


Jester: Sounds good. I guess I better get out there and get this under way.


*Jester walks out the door waving to the Lawyer as he sits back down behind his office sliding the paperwork into a folder. As Jester steps outside of the office building the camera crew is waiting. He motions for them to start rolling and then he gets himself into position. The camera crew gets set and they fit him with a mic. Then they give him the signal to begin.*


Jester: You know. I had the feeling they had Rage waiting in the wings to do something. I should have known and I should have been prepared. Those pussies couldn't hold up their own dicks without help. They say they never worked together before and they never created an official group but the way I see it. Unless we are all open to be given that title? It isn't just a title. It is a badge given to a member of a special group. That being said. You are in fact a true stable. Always have been. You may have chosen not to work together and join forces but that is because you are all selfish ignorant whiney little bitches. I am sick of hearing you day in and day out talk down on everyone else in this company like we don't matter. Like we don't give our blood sweat and tears to this company. Like we don't put in as much time effort and money to this business. We all deserve to be known as Elite in one form or another. You may think you are all special but really? You are all pathetic pieces of shit. I can't stand you and I will tear each and every one of you apart all by myself. You think I need the resistance to take you down? I am strong enough on my own. When I started in this company I was rusty and out of shape. It had been years since I stepped inside of the ring. But now I am back to peak performance and I will tear you limb from limb. I will make you all suffer for the shit you have been spreading.


*Jester tries to calm himself and relax and get back to the point but he is so pissed off at this point just speaking his mind that he can't. He will just have to continue his rant until he is either calmed or it is out of his system enough to move on. So on he continues with his rant.*


Jester: The Elite? You guys are absolutely undeserving of that title. The only one I think may have earned that title isn't even in the group because he wants to be. He is in it for the money and nothing more. Rage is his own man. You may be able to convince him to do a few things with your money but believe me. There is a line that he will not cross. He will not sell his soul for you or any amount of money. Unlimited money drugs and women? I don't think that anyone else gives two shits about that. And Chris Falkenyork? He failed you yet again as I promised he would. As I promise that Shotgun. You will fail. No member of the Elite will win a legit match from this point on. We will stop you at every corner. We will cut you off and break you down until you realize that we are nothing to be taken lightly. Nothing to be taken any less then as the most dangerous group as the most dangerous men you have ever faced. We will tear your little group apart and we will tear each of you personally apart. Until there is nothing left of you but a shell of your former selves.


*Jester walks away before he takes it too far and says something he will have to follow through with that he may regret. The scene fades to black.*



**Several Hours Later**



*Jester sits in his locker room in Manchester preparing for his match with Carlos Shotgun when a knock disturbs him. He finishes his cigarette before he responds.*


Jester: Come in!


Violent J: Homie we have some news.


*J looks noticably shaken.*


Shaggy 2 Dope: No doubt but poor J has been traumatized so ill do the talkin.


*Violent J takes a seat on the big soft couch and relaxes with a huge joint as Jester and Shaggy conversate.*


Jester: Ok so what the fuck is this new you guys had to disturb my prep time with?


Shaggy 2 Dope: That bitch Shotgun fucked up our back up plan homie. We went to talk some sense into his sorry ass but he was ready for us.


*Jester shakes his head as J is looking a lot better chillin on the couch. Finishing his massive joint and smiling.*


Jester: So what the fuck happened to your plan? How was Shotgun ready for you?


Shaggy 2 Dope: We rolled up on him with Christian Lance Storm and Zombie Edge and he stomped those three into submission. Which wouldn't have bothered us but Zombie Edge man. We love Zombie Edge and he broke his head off. Which as you know kills a zombie dead. Ain't no comin back from that. Man he killed our favorite homie. Thats what got J so fucked up homie.


*J becomes noticably upset again and pulls out a fat sack of weed to roll another fat joint. He gets to work on that as Jester and Shaggy continue.*


Jester: I got you. Don't worry about it brotha. There is no talking sense into that fool. I mean he seems to think that wicked clowns can be killed. Wicked clowns never die. He doesn't understand that you can't be killed. No big deal homie. Just go chill with J while I put out one last promo for the day.


Shaggy 2 Dope: No doubt homie no doubt. I got you. We got what you say.


*Shaggy joins J on the couch smokin the good shit while Jester sets up his promo shit and gets ready to cut his last promo for the day.*


Jester: So Shotgun! You think that you can stop the wicked clowns? You thought you could come at me and not get shut the fuck down? Hell no homie. That shit ain't gonna fly. I am going to kick your ass. This belt belongs with me because I am the rightful owner of this title. I deserve this belt because I earned it. Because I am the peoples champion. Not in the way that that half assed loser The Rock was the peoples champ. That fools is a has been and thats where you are sitting right now. At the has been table with Scott Hall and DDP and The Rock. He isn't even the Rock anymore. Dwayne Johnson. Go play with his jock because thats the only strap your going to be getting.


*Jester chuckles to himself as he finds the humor in his little joke. He takes a hit of the joint J rolled and passes it back before continuing.*


Jester: Yes Shotgun that was a fat joint I just took a hit of. Oh and those hookers that Bret Hart was hitting? Who in the hell do you think sent them to his room? Those bitches were my sloppy seconds. I sent them in when I was done. Just realize that you have no idea who your dealing with. You know very very little about me Brotha. I am going to stomp your ass into the mat and then send you to the table with Dwayne Johnson so he can have my left overs. Because that is what anyone else gets with me. My left overs.


*Jester shuts off the camera and the scene fades to black.*