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If you have decided to buy Karcher carpet cleaning machines or Prochem carpet cleaning machines, you will be well served by an online purchase. Karcher and Prochem are great brands and they have a very active online presence, with several reputed retailers and online distributors selling them. 

The only drawback with buying these carpet cleaner machines online is that one can’t see a live demo or experience the machine first hand. However, there is an easy workaround for that. Just visit the local appliance store to see a demo of these machines. Once you like a particular model, it makes very good sense to buy it online as there are huge cost savings to be taken advantage of.

Some of the advantages of buying online are mentioned below.

The advantages of buying online – Carpet cleaning machines for sale, UK

Price differences – The most obvious advantage is that online stores are cheaper than offline stores. With Karcher and Prochem machines costing anywhere from £299 to as much as £1,650 for the commercial grade models, even a 5% of 10% savings can result in handsome savings. To find great deals online, you have to be prepared to shop around a little. However, with just 20 minutes of your time, you can visit a dozen online stores, a process that will probably take you an entire day if you visited offline stores physically. One important thing to remember about buying large carpet cleaners on the Internet is that you will have to factor in shipping costs. Some websites will offer free shipping while some will have shipping and handling charges added on. Look at the final price to see if it will be attractive enough for you.

Finding the right cleaner – Another great advantage with buying carpet cleaners online is that you can read reviews and user comments about the effectiveness of certain products. Users will generally lay out all the strengths and weaknesses of a machine, allowing you to easily home in one carpet cleaner that will match your preferences. 

Buying parts and accessories – Another small advantage to buying online is that many online stores will have great bundle packages that will allow you to buy bags, connectors, chemicals and cleaning supplies all bundled into one package, at a discounted price. Some sites will even offer free cleaning kits with product values that can range anywhere between £20 to even £100 when you buy Karcher and Prochem carpet cleaner models.

In conclusion, the best way to buy carpet cleaners from the Karcher or Prochem brand is to buy them online, after maybe looking at demos at stores offline.