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Let's start off by taking a look at what lip injections cost actually is.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally-occurring biopolymer, which serves important biological functions in bacteria and higher animals including humans. Naturally occurring, hyaluronic acid may be seen within the tissue of higher animals, in particular as intercellular space filler. HA is found in greatest concentrations in the vitreous humour of the eye as well as in the synovial fluid of articular joints, but can be found in the skin, connective-tissue and elsewhere within the body.

Hyaluronic acid was made 'famous' by an ABC News report where Connie Chung saw a Japanese village by the name of Yuzurihara. She found that the people there were living longer, seemed younger, and were more flexible and active than their western counterparts. These Japanese villagers, in their 80s and 90s, have smooth wrinkle less skin, a complete head of hair and seemingly no requirement for glasses.

So what is it, that allows these Japanese to become much more youthful, lead active, productive lives at their advanced age, where-as in western countries most people in their 80s and beyond are in old-age homes?

In conclusion drawn within the ABC report was that these people ate 'sticky vegetables' and this factor was the secret to their own apparent youth. In addition, the estrogen-like molecules inside their diet, fermented types of soybean in miso paste and bean curd, seem to play an important role. These molecules, as well as natural oestrogen, send a signal to the fibroblast cells to make more hyaluronic acid. But, is this the entire answer? - I don't think so, however I'll get to this a little later.

Then let us take a examine what Hyaluronic acid does.

Yet, it's in the antiaging effect in the skin that we're focusing on in this post as well as the effect hyaluronic acid looks to have on the skin is right at the level of encouraging the development of collagen. These are the fibres that firm your skin. Now, hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down collagen fibres, is produced by free radicals and UV-RADIATION.

These variables breaks down fibres of collagen can cause premature wrinkles and sagging of skin. Focusing on hyaluronic acid, it would seem reasonable therefore, that reducing the free radicals is a major key to reducing the hyaluronidase enzyme and second to encourage normal amounts of hyaluronic acid in the skin.

Plant materials known as bioflavonoids, included in foods like grape seed extract, blueberry, cranberry, citrus bioflavonoids and milk thistle, etc., inhibit the creation of hyaluronidase, which helps to reach the initial purpose of reducing the free radicals. In addition, decreasing processed foods from our food regimen, increasing the level of exercise and living a more balanced lifestyle will aid in promoting natural levels of hyaluronic acid within our system, not simply in skin.

When considering injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin to treat fine lines and wrinkles, we are once more losing sight of the holistic method of managing our bodies and thereby run a serious danger of introducing variables, which may lead to side effects or other medical problems. Further, we also run the risk of creating an imbalance in the chemical makeup of skin and who knows what potential issues expect us as an effect