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Welcome Friends! This is my little nook devoted to my art and written work. If you are interested the by all means please look around. Be forwarned ,however, my art is not restricted and doese sometimes contain mature themes. So if you are uncomfortable with sex, drugs, violence, and the like; then by all means flee back to your sanity. However if you understand that sometimes it is nesassary to have these things to express yourself, and indeed sometimes save your life, then please feel free to look into this dark dream known as my mind. However, don't say I didn't warn you.

Pay No Attention to that Bratt behind the curtain!

This is pretty much what it says. Just a little information about the Lady behind the curtian.

This hosts my artwork. It has everything from my newest (and still a work in progress) collection "Images and Words" to my comic "Cat 'n' Angel".

Young writers shouldn't be afraid of striving to emulate their favorites. It's a good way to learn, as long as you move on from it and don't publish too many of the results.
Poppy Z. Brite

This is my collection of writen work. Short stories, poems, ect. are housed in this little section of the web.

A journey of 1,000 website begins with one click...

Done with this maddness? Then I present to you a selection of other insanities that you might enjoy.

Get me the hell out of here!!!