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Ok so you lost you damn mind and decided that hey, this chick's art and writing is pretty cool, lemme see what she's all about...or maybe you just look at all parts on a website. Don't know, you will find out more about myself...starting with THE MOST INDEPTH QUESTIONAIR EVER!!!

Name: Ein and that's all your getting from me
Nicknames: Ein, Lady Red, Mistress, other names my parents and friends that are too embarrassing to use.
Age: 22 years
Birthday: January 11th
Sign: "Do not enter"
Nationality: Mutt
Pets: 1 kitteh (Vicious), a fish (Ayame), and an unholey aliance between a bat and chiuhaha(or however the hell you spell it...)(Tip)

Eye Color: Bluish Grey?
Hair: Today red, though it is prone to change with my moods.
Height: 5'6"
Build: Curvey
Defining Marks: Allot of scars
Dress Style: Comfortable, as in what ever I think is comfortable I'll wear it.
Possessions Always on This Person: nothing I can think of
Manner of Speech: Rapid fire
Manner of Movement: Slow and carefull, as I am kinda clumsy

Extrovert/Introvert: Introvert cleverly disguised as an extrovert
Phobias/Fears: Spiders, the dark, Hell, Demons, Spirits, things that go bump in the night but walk during the day.

Romantic Relationships
Sexual preference: All of the above
Turn ons: (what is this Playboy?) Blood, Knives, Brittish Accents, intelligence, interesting scars(on the body not the face), long eyelashes
Turn offs: Racism, Biggotry, Sexism, Cruelty to animals, Overbearance, overexuberance, stupidity
Significant other: Currently Unattatched
Dating style: Huh?
Past relationships: Too much baggage to deal with...

Platonic Relationships
Best friend(s): Jen, Padfoot, Candy, and Alex
Good friend(s): Sami, Tonks, Todders, Kitty, Jason, Brett, and Cole
Beliefs involving friendship: First and foremost, you don't fucking leave your friends for a guy, even if you are attatched you make fucking time for them. Your friends should be as dear to you as your family,especially the friends you consider like siblings to you. They should be one of your top prorities. You always should be there for them, and you should work hard to bridge the gaps between the distance between you and them.

Father: Rythem & Blues Tolar
Mother: Joyce (Davis) Tolar (Now you see the point of those crests on this page)
Siblings: 3 half sister and several friends more like my family.

At Work
Accomplishments: Not killing the children
Attitude about work: I love my job Oorah
What is her job? I am a childcare provider by day and by night an artist.

At School
Accomplishments: I got out alive
Attitude about School: Fuck it
Best Subjects: Anything art, acting, and writing
Worst Subjects: MATH!
Where Do They Attend School: I used to go to college, I ran away screaming

Smoking: None
Alcohol: None
Sex: Repressed
In regards to the law: I think this quote sums up my attitude perfectly, "People should not be afraid of their government, government should be afraid of thier people."

Colour: Blue Black Red
Food: Itallian and Chinese
Drink: Coke, Coffee, and anything Starbucksiean
Sports team: Whatever one Becks is playing on
Music: Too much to name...
Book: Probably Gone with the Wind
Place: In my room...for all of it's mess

Musical instruments: I can play the guitare a bit.
Athletic ability: Heheh I can run
Cooking: I can cook anything and everything.
Languages: I speak only two languages English and Bad English

Brief History: I was born I grew up and I am here, brief enough?

Not enough...what do you people want from me?!? Blood? Sex? Chocolate?...I think that's book...Regardless...*sighs* FINE!!!

For those of you who are just dying to learn more about me I give you...

Live Journal!

Live Journal ho!!!
This is my Live Journal. The closest thing to an up to date diary I've ever kept. Anywho, my lack of commitment is, not something to be discussed here. That's one my Live Journal too! Seriously, if you fancy a look then take a peek, or if you want to add me as a friend go ahead. The more the merrier, I say.

My Space!

My Space charge!!!
Ok so My Space. I mainly use this to keep up with my friends and the blog is a dream journal. Once again if you wanted to added into the frayed maddness then just go ahead and add me ^_^ !


 Swim the Channel...lame I know!
YouTube! This is where a vast majority of my directorial crap is at. AMVs, Music Videos, and the like. Once again subscribe if you like, I won't bite I promise ^_~ !

Incidently speaking, that questionair is the one I use for my characters, if you would like to use it the just pop on over to the Goodies Section of the writen wanderings, and copy and paste it, just please give me credit for it!
Get me the hell out of here!!!