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The Phoenix Role Playing Game(RPG) is an IRC/Textually Based RPG hosted at Atomix IRC Network. There are several ways to connect to our RPG.

(mIRC or other IRC Clients) connect to:

Port 6667

(Java IRC or Mibbit Users) please click the link below:

Phoenix RPG Chat Link

The following channels can be used for the sole purpose of Phoenix RPG activities:

#PhoenixTavern - The primary setting for most of the activity within the Phoenix RPG. Actions played out here can be either inside the tavern, in the surrounding area to include the storefronts that are in the small village of Coral.

#PhoenixOOC - The Out of Character channel for the Phoenix RPG. All non-RP conversation can happen here.

#PhoenixQuest - The channel for questing and events held by the Phoenix RPG.

#PhoenixArena - The location for all duels/fights while in character for the Phoenix RPG.