- Be Afraid Be Very Afraid

Paradise Canyon Vacations will sound so nice and
pleasing when they call you during supper and apologize
and swear they are not calling to sell you anything,
its strictly information only, you cant buy nothing
at the presentation and of course leave your money at
home, they will ask you to bring your wife or travel
partner, this way you can't walk away so easily from
the $10,000 to $15,000 membership, which is $3,500
down not refundable and $40 to $60 a month for the
next 20 years, they will try to offer you gifts 2
free night hotel stay and dinner for 2, which nobody
ever receives, Paradise Canyon Vacations hates people
who come for the gifts, the owners call them "roaches",
then why do they offer the gifts and call the people
roaches for attending, there is also the $1,000 travel
voucher, of course you have to spend $10,000 to $15,000
for the membership, membership is all you get, you still
have to pay for the trips, which will cost the same or
more if you shop around. Don't let Paradise Canyon
Vacation scam you.

 - For your entertainment please check out these pictures
http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/paradise-canyon.aspx -


 - Bring your own toilet paper

I worked for the call centre at Paradise Canyon vacation in Winnipeg, every week Noel
would bring us in the presentation room and threaten us if we didn't do better he
would "clean house" and fire us. If you saw the bathrooms you would take getting
fired as a blessing. The bathroom floors were never mopped, Noel would just dump
20 gallons of water on the floors and there would be 2 inches of water on the
floors, until it dried. Then we had the ants crawling all over the bathroom
floors, rumor has it that they were Gaga's aka Sega’s crabs, the girl who
slanders employees on scam.com, complaining of smell when in fact the smell was
coming from her own yeast infection. The garbage pails were always full of
employees garbage and doughnuts, that would explain all the ants, the garbage
was emptied a good once a month, the garbage was always 2 feet over the small
garbage pails. As for the bathrooms there was hardly ever any toilet paper,
the employees were using the toilet paper to dry their hands since the paper
towel dispensers were always empty. If you have to go to the bathroom for a
crap you had better remember to bring your own toilet paper from home.

 - For your entertainment please check out these pictures
http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/paradise-canyon.aspx -


 - Bullies Employees

Paradise Canyon Vacation advertises $15 an hour
for 24 hours per week, but it is in reality only
$10 an hour for 20 hours, and only $15 an hour
if you can get 10 leads that night which is next
to impossible. There is alot of favourtism and
those favored employees are given much easier
call list to work on, while others have to work
5 times harder, and if you dont produce enough
you are brought into the presentation room and
given warnings, special employees are protected
with very easy call sheets, Paradise Canyon
don't care about its employees only money,
and the $10,000 to $15,000 membership fee they
can get for their supposedly free presentations
from people believing they will receive 2 free
gifts, and Noel the manager and Rod the owner
call people attending the presentations for the
free gifts roaches.

 - For your entertainment please check out these pictures
http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/paradise-canyon.aspx -


- Harasses Seniors

Paradise Canyon Vacations is harassing seniors
trying to make them come to a supposedly free
presentation with 2 free gifts which no one
ever receives, they tell seniors it is
information only, leave your money at home,
when in reality the membership is $10,000
to $15,000, $3,500 down and $40 to $60 per
month for the next 20 years, one night Wendy
the Horrible told Noel, "shes a senior 85
and dont travel", the Noel told her to
sell to her just the same.
Paradise Canyon Vacations just wants your
$10,000 even if you have 1 foot in the grave.
They have no compassion or morals, and should
be respecting seniors instead of conning them
and trying to make them come out to a
presentation to con them out of their retirement

 - For your entertainment please check out these pictures
http://www.ripoffreport.com/Search/paradise-canyon.aspx -
