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​​Cellulose insulation is the preferred product for insulating wall cavities of existing homes. When installed with the dense-pack method, there is no "settling" in the wall cavities and the air flow in the wall cavities is reduced significantly. It performs very close to its stated R value unlike fiberglass's performance which is affected greatly by the precise fit of the batts in their cavity.Cellulose insulation is also great for loose fill or open-blown attic applications. When installed at proper depth it creates a continuous blanket of insulation which eliminates loss resulting from the poor R value of timber framing members (thermal bridging).Noise reduction is also done well with cellulose, achieved in three ways. The first is that cellulose completely fills cavities leaving few air pockets for sound to travel in. The second is the cellulose materials ability to trap air. The significant difference between noise reduction with cellulose and fiberglass is its density. Cellulose is approximately three times denser then fiberglass. This helps deaden the sound through walls and between floor levels.

Cellulose insulation is an environmentally friendly choice. It is composed mainly of recycled newspapers mixed with fire retardant. Still have questions? Don't be afraid to call a qualified BPI certified energy specialist.