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Acupuncture During Labor & Delivery to Alleviate Medical Malpractice

Labor and childbirth is one of the most unique experiences a woman can have during her lifetime. For many women, the anxiety of facing the pain with childbirth often leads to requests for voluntary c-section - a procedure that many hospitals and obstetricians are trying to move away from. If you are concerned about the pain associated with childbirth and delivery, you may want to look into alternative ways to manage pain including the use of acupuncture.

When considering the use of acupuncture, you may want to consider the services of a midwife who is well trained in acupuncture for use during childbirth. In many cases, women find that they can manage their pain effectively, even better, when using acupuncture versus the use of traditional analgesics during labor and delivery.

Should you be unable to find a midwife who is well versed in pregnancy acupuncture, the next option would be to consider finding an obstetrician who will allow the use of an alternative medicine specialist as part of your labor and delivery. Provided the acupuncturist is certified and trained, most obstetricians are open to this option but usually want to confirm the collaboration and training.

With medical malpractice liability insurance rising, many obstetricians are concerned about how they effectively manage the needs of expectant mothers while also accommodating the requests for pain relief. Because the hospital administrations are discouraging the use of voluntary cesarean sections, many doctors are struggling to find this balance. By researching the use of acupuncture for your particular labor and delivery pain relief needs, and then finding a specialist who is trained in the particular needs of women in labor, you may be actually assisting your obstetrician in finding the right balance needed.

Using creative ways to control your pain during labor and delivery can go along way in managing your pain in a more healthy approach. Rather than using traditional analgesics during labor and delivery, consider using acupuncture as a more viable, and healthy, option. Your recovery may be far less lengthy and, for most women, the normal vaginal labor and delivery will be just as the same as if analgesics were used.

Sources: Storobin Law