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Sunday, 20 April 2008
Mood:  happy

Well, here you are wondering who is this wonderful
person who has the time and capability to build this
kind of magnificent site.


Where do I start? Uumm… How about by informing you where I am from. Well, my name is Amin and I'm from East Africa Oromia. Oromia is the richest region in the Horn of Africa. It is a place where coffee was first discovered. Furthermore, Oromia is well known throughout the world for its unique "Gada system".

I was born and raised in Oromia. I just happened to be one of the fortunate people that have had the opportunity to come to one of the greatest country in the world - the United State of America. I have not only come to America, but also tried to utilize every opportunity that this great country provides. I have now lived here for about seven years. In those seven years, however, I have witnessed and experienced so many different things. Which of course many of them were positive and encouraging.


One of the accomplishments for me was graduating from high school with honor and entering university. I was also awarded eight different academic scholarships at the end of my high school year. I am currently attending Portland State University - where I am majoring in C.S. and I.S. Hopefully, I will graduate in 07 or 08 with God's permission.

My future goals

Just like many other Oromos, I have a dream to, after I've completed my education, go back to Oromia and contribute my knowledge, time, and money to my brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than I am. I believe that all my Oromo people are extremely smart, strong, and are capable of doing just about anything. The problem is, however, the opportunity was never given to most of them. And I feel that it is my responsibility, as a new generation, to change just that.

My views

I openly confess that I am not, in anyway, knowledgeable or better than any of my Oromo brothers and sisters - back home or here in America. Though, I do believe that it might be helpful if I share some of my views.

My views on Education: I believe that education is something that one needs, not just to have a degree on something and make a lot of money, but also to function well in a civilized world.

My philosophy of life: My philosophy of life is very simple: If you are interested in something, and you think you can accomplish it, go for it

My views on Oromuma: Oromuma is a gift from God. It is something that we should all be proud of. I was born Oromo!! I am still living as Oromo!! And I will die as Oromo!!! Period


In my conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity and say thank you for visiting my website, and taking your time to read my short autobiography. I would also like to say that I love all my Oromo people. If we all work together towards our common goal, there is no reason why we can't be one of the greatest country on earth. God bless Oromia.


Posted by mukhtar.amin at 11:42 PM EDT
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Well, here you are wondering who is this wonderful
person who has the time and capability to build this
kind of magnificent site.


Where do I start? Uumm… How about by informing you where I am from. Well, my name is Amin and I'm from East Africa Oromia. Oromia is the richest region in the Horn of Africa. It is a place where coffee was first discovered. Furthermore, Oromia is well known throughout the world for its unique "Gada system".

I was born and raised in Oromia. I just happened to be one of the fortunate people that have had the opportunity to come to one of the greatest country in the world - the United State of America. I have not only come to America, but also tried to utilize every opportunity that this great country provides. I have now lived here for about seven years. In those seven years, however, I have witnessed and experienced so many different things. Which of course many of them were positive and encouraging.


One of the accomplishments for me was graduating from high school with honor and entering university. I was also awarded eight different academic scholarships at the end of my high school year. I am currently attending Portland State University - where I am majoring in C.S. and I.S. Hopefully, I will graduate in 07 or 08 with God's permission.

My future goals

Just like many other Oromos, I have a dream to, after I've completed my education, go back to Oromia and contribute my knowledge, time, and money to my brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than I am. I believe that all my Oromo people are extremely smart, strong, and are capable of doing just about anything. The problem is, however, the opportunity was never given to most of them. And I feel that it is my responsibility, as a new generation, to change just that.

My views

I openly confess that I am not, in anyway, knowledgeable or better than any of my Oromo brothers and sisters - back home or here in America. Though, I do believe that it might be helpful if I share some of my views.

My views on Education: I believe that education is something that one needs, not just to have a degree on something and make a lot of money, but also to function well in a civilized world.

My philosophy of life: My philosophy of life is very simple: If you are interested in something, and you think you can accomplish it, go for it

My views on Oromuma: Oromuma is a gift from God. It is something that we should all be proud of. I was born Oromo!! I am still living as Oromo!! And I will die as Oromo!!! Period


In my conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity and say thank you for visiting my website, and taking your time to read my short autobiography. I would also like to say that I love all my Oromo people. If we all work together towards our common goal, there is no reason why we can't be one of the greatest country on earth. God bless Oromia.

Posted by mukhtar.amin at 11:22 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 20 April 2008 11:24 PM EDT
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