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Designs for a Modern Home: On Furniture and Timber Floors in Perth

Remodelling your home can be a tedious process. First, you need to plan your expenses carefully before buying new fixtures. You should also have a good idea of what design you want for specific areas. You can easily tweak some areas by adding new furnishings, but  some areas require major overhauls. For example, if you want timber floors Perth, you need to remove the entire flooring for proper installation.


Keeping your space open, lines clean, and prints bold can help you create a modern and contemporary design. Here are some things you should keep in mind when remodelling your home.



Open Style



Make your living area as open as possible. This applies especially if your remodelling project requires a major overhaul. It is easy to entertain guests and monitor small children when you keep the kitchen, dining, and living rooms near each other. Implementing an "open concept" in your home allows you to make areas more spacious. You can also make a cohesive design for particular areas in your home.


Glass fencing is a good idea if you have indoor pools. They can also be beautiful railings on stairways. What is great about these fixtures is while they look fragile, they are actually sturdy. You do not need to worry about your children's safety because glass panels have low chances of breaking.



Clean Lines for a Polished Look



Clean lines are one of the main features for areas with modern design. Make sure you incorporate this feature into your areas. You can see this through kitchen cabinets, door hardware, cabinet hardware, furniture and lighting, vases, and mirrors. Make a focal point on your wall by using streamlined or frameless frames hung in a grid pattern. Better yet, check online shops for hanging art with modern designs. You can find many sites offering hanging art in tones of white, beige, brown, and other neutral colours.



Bold Prints and Vivid Colours



Do not be afraid to be adventurous. Go for vivid colours. Bold, graphic prints can add depth and personality to your space. Add some colourful throw pillows or display interesting furniture. You can get comfortable egg style seats or tables with geometric designs. Your wallpaper can also be a good focal point if it has a large graphic print. Find one piece of interior and use it for inspiration if you are unsure how to handle your colours.



Try adding floor coverings. Get round, fluffy rugs for bedrooms and living area, and make sure they are in tones matching the rest of the furniture in your space. Get timber floors  for interior flooring, as they are visually pleasing and easy to maintain. Buy artificial lawns for your outdoor area. This way, you have attractive greens all throughout the year.



A Little Bit of You in your Space



Your comfort is one of the most important factors you need to keep in mind when remodelling your home. Make sure you add your own personality with items you display, like vintage sculptures or whimsical chandeliers. Use furniture with sentimental value. You can recycle old furnishings to lower your expenses. For instance, re-upholster your grandmother's sofa in a bold colour or print. This will make a great statement in a room with minimal style.





Check out sites like  FLORTEK.COM.AU if you are starting your renovation project with your floors. They may have the perfect flooring option for you.