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 Ancient Egypt

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        Daily Life

In Ancient Egypt women of royalty had slaves care for
their children. Women of lower status took care of their
own children. Women in Ancient Egypt had many equal
rights as men had. They were aloud to own
their own
and, represent themselves in court cases, and even received the same punishments as men. Young boys learnt a craft from their fathers while young girls worked at home with their mothers. Children took care of their elderly parents until they passed away. Girls were usually chosen a husband by the age of 12. Most men had only one wife, but kings often had several. Food was cooked in clay ovens. Ancient Egyptians had the same kitchen utensils as we have  today. Lower class people had utensils mad out of clay. Royalty had their utensils often made out of gold or silver. Beer and wine were popular drinks to Egyptians. Wine was usually only on a table of the wealthy.  Bread was the main source of food.                                 




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December 15, 2008
 Created by Jeanessa Giroux
   Copyright 2008