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Learn the REAL Way to use Palm Reading in your Seductions to Approach, Open, and Engage Any Woman in Sexual Conversation

The ancient art of palm reading influences women on a very deep, seductive level. Remember that I’ve personally used palm reading in many of my most memorable seductions; the time I laid two best friends late one night in an outdoor pool; the time a South Beach model rode me like a Cowgirl in the back of my “lucky” ’92 Corolla.

Up until today, the secretive group of palm reading seducers has been a closely guarded order. This is a very serious and guarded fact. In fact, I’ve taken a lot of heat and even been ostracized by some for revealing some of these techniques that have reliably gotten me lay after lay with some real beauties.

Okay, first you need to get a little background for you to understand all this: Some scholars have traced palm readings origins back over 5,000 years when palmists were considered to have fearsome occult powers. Most of the information, however, was shrouded in secrecy, and only a few select people learned the occult art.

However, remember that palm reading alone will not get you laid. You can easily come across as some kind of goof or “clown” to women.  To succeed well in every time you attempt, you need this very specific success formula that combines palm reading with all the most modern, effective seduction techniques I’ve developed so far.

My Favorite "Weapon" in my Seduction Arsenal

My aim in this series is not really to educate you primarily about the lines of a woman’s hand or the palm (although I do that too). There’s no need to become an “expert” palm reader to make it work. You also need not be very experienced in this art of palm reading. Instead, I show you how to be a good magician to pull off the magic show to transition a woman into deep conversation and eventual sexual arousal.

Listen, you don’t want to spend days and days, years and years memorizing all 200 lines on a woman’s hand and what they all mean. You don’t have time for that, you just want to get results don’t you? So, what you must try is legit and right now to get speedy results. There are adult webcam sites, where you will find what you are looking for a long time.  I’ve cut straight to the chase and extracted all the nuts and bolts you need to read a woman’s palm with deadly accuracy, but more importantly, to teach you how to turn an “innocent” palm reading into the most intimate experience she’s ever felt.  Here’s some of what you’ll learn.

Use Palm Reading for Seduction to do the following useful things:

• Determine what kind of woman she is sexually and energetically from a distance… before you even approach her

• Instantly open women for any kind of social situation from the subway to the street to the bar… and open successfully every time no matter what your looks or your age

• Determine which women have the most sexual potential and will go all the way with you

• “Bait” women into the conversation and have them offer you their attention until they’re deep in rapport with you

• Use my transitional structures to spin off endless conversational topics to keep groups of women engaged hour after hour in pure fun

• Come across as a cocky and playful guy and not some kind of one-trick pony geek

• Ask questions to elicit states within your palm reading seduction

• Use the safety structure to sexually touch women without resistance and accelerate their sexual heat 100 fold

• Get her to volunteer her own reasons of why you should like her and say you’ll go out with her.

Have Unlimited Confidence The Easy Way.

There are a lot of methods to exercise and it is easy to do, fun, and they work. People learn confidence skills faster and deeper with courses from real professionals and they will work endlessly day and night for the rest of your life.

After you do the exercises like that you'll rapidly find yourself developing a habit of confidence with women that 99% of your friends don’t have. This is where your reality will begin to shift and you’ll begin to see dynamics that others are oblivious to. This is when you no longer have to make a conscious effort to maintain your state of confidence but instead it will flow from you as an expression of who you are.

In conclusion, palm reading is important in your romance life.