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The average temperature of as school is between 68 degrees Fahrenheit to about 82 degrees Fahrenheit. A high school is very big and it needs a lot of heater and air conditioning units to cover the hole school. Since a high school is so big the more heaters and coolers the more energy is being used if we keep the school at an average 72 degrees we will save tones of money and energy. the average unit gives off over 100,000 watts of energy while in use. we should also limit the amount of times we use it. Natural heat and cold it truly the way to go.

How do we help?

We have to stop relying  on the heaters and  air conditioners to keep us warm and cold. The out side temperature is truly the best way to save energy from our school. Lastly all we have to do is keep our windows open more. Almost every class room has some sort of window in it so why not use them.