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Things to consider when selecting  cheap dedicated server


In the web hosting world, you would often come across many types of hosting method and without a doubt you would have seen more shared hosting appearing than dedicated hosting. A shared hosting means users need to share a server with many other users. With this, they will only be required to pay a certain amount of hosting fee which is considered cheap. They will have restrictions on their disk space, bandwidth, security, traffic and so on. This means that they are not having a total control over their hosting.


BlueAngelHost is the leading provider of DDOS Protected offshore hosting, offshore vps and Cheap Dedicated Hosting. We offer 24/7 support and 99.9% uptime.


When it comes to total control, the only option that you have is to go for a Bulgaria Dedicated server. However, it is not suitable for every website because small business owners will only waste their money on it as they do not require that much of a control. So, when will it be time for you to get a DMCA ignored dedicated server hosting?


There are 3 main aspects that you need to look at to find out if it is time for you to go for it:


1- Speed- When you have a significant increase of visitors to your website making your shared server to response slower than usual. This will slow down the browsing speed of your visitors. You might want to try and see whether if it's the same case with other shared hosting provider. If the situation remains the same, it may be time to switch to a DDOS protected VPS hosting.


2- Reliability-Most problems with web hosting are caused by the lack of reliability. When a problem occurs, a user will need all the reliability he need in order to solve the problem. With total control over your hosting, you can attend to the problem immediately when it happens and this is important because you might need to wait if you are not using a hosting that gives you total control over your account.


3- Customization- As your business grows, you will need to make changes in order to adapt the increase of services that you need to improve. This applies to the amount of resources that you need to support your website. In a shared hosting, you will be attached to a certain package. When it can no longer support you, you will need to change to another plan. With dedicated hosting, you can make adjustment making a step forward or a step back or even maintain at your current situation.


As a whole, the need for a dedicated server will depend on the size and growth of your business. As your business grows, you will need to expand and affordability would be a secondary consideration because if you do not improve you're hosting, you will eventually lose your customers.

Some final tips: In case you are new in cheap VPS hosting.