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The Dawn banner

by Silke Schmiedeberg 1998

Kimberly stood in a great hall with her back to the wall. Opposite her was a man with a gun that he pointed at her. There was no doubt that he would shoot at her. His finger closed around the trigger. She closed her eyes. A SHOT!

Kim woke from her nightmare bathed in sweat and screaming. This dream repeated itself almost every night, again and again and again. Thank God, only a dream, but unfortunately very real! She sat in her bed and felt so endlessly alone. Every time, when she felt lonely, she brought forth Allanīs diary and read a bit in it. She didnīt know how often she had done so but it helped her somewhat to come to terms with the loneliness and Allanīs death. Kim read the final entry Allan had made a few days before he had died.

Dearest Kim,
when you are reading these lines I will probably not be among the living any more, but I cannot go without telling you something. The decision to journey here and to fight with Edward against this horrible plague Ebola was my decision alone. Edward had nothing to do with it! I just had to do this, if I hadnīt gone I would have never been able to forgive myself. You know how much I love being a physician and helping people. You yourself are a physician of conviction. You will understand that better than anyone.

I didnīt want to run from our wedding because I think you are the best thing that ever happened to me in my life! You are the woman that I love and always will love. I really donīt know how I deserve you, but maybe I was just incredibly lucky.

Unfortunately, that damned Ebola has got me as well. I donīt believe that I will survive. Please donīt blame Edward because he is resistant and I am not. Right now one of my convulsions is shaking me therefore I have to close now. Even if I cannot return to you as much as I want to you ought to know one thing: My last thoughts will be of you because I will love you forever and ever.
Please forgive me!

Yours forever loving you Allan

Kim closed the diary. While she had been reading she had grown angry and also endlessly sad. It had not helped her, no, to the contrary, it had made her feel even more lonely. Only now she noticed that tears were running down her cheeks. She wiped them away quickly. Mourning did not help, that did not bring Allan back to life. She grew cold. She pulled the blanket up, but that did not help at all. Kimberly got up, went to the fire place and put some more wood onto the fire. Afterwards she went into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea.

While the water was heating on the stove she went to the window and looked into the clear night sky. A full moon was out! She shivered then the memories of those excruciating hours that she had been under the power of this psychopath came back to haunt her. Kim turned away from the window for too frightening were the pictures that the sight of the full moon woke in her. Kim had been rescued at the last possible moment by her colleagues.

The teakettle whistled. She went into the kitchen and made the tea which she took back to bed. There she was sitting, drinking the hot tea and remembering that ominous day. Her colleagues had rescued her. Colleagues, no, they had become much more, they were friends.

Edward, the man who she had blamed for Allanīs death. It had been so very easy to find a scapegoat. In time however Kim had realised that he was not to blame for Allanīs death. Now he had become a friend. A close friend even. Sometimes his ways unnerved her, but nevertheless he was a dear friend to her. Then there was Michael, who was always there when she needed him. Michael had reproached himself vehemently when she had been kidnapped. Kim however had never blamed him for that. He was always her strong protector, even though she didnīt want one most of the time. She hated showing that even she needed someone from time to time.

Kim had to smile at that thought.

Well, and Daniel. This mysterious, arrogant and yet lovable guy, who seldom showed any emotion. Only sometimes! He had taken her into his arms after everything had been over. Such an emotional outburst from him was rare indeed therefore this embrace had been something special for Kim and still was. She liked him very much even though they often argued because he had kept something secret, but that was just the way he was.

Kim sighed.

She would trust all three with her life, no, she had already done so and it had been good. The whole time that she had been held prisoner Kim had known that they would come to free her. She never had felt truly alone because of her friends Edward, Michael and Daniel. And even now Kim was not truly alone, just a little lonely.

Kim put the cup down and took the receiver of the phone into her hand. She dialled a number and waited for someone to pick it up. A male voice answered:


Kim was relieved.

"Hello Edward! Please forgive this late disturbance, but I just had to talk with a friend!"...


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