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Essential Oils:

Eucalyptus Oil is steam distilled from leaves of the Eucalyptus tree. It stimulates the immune system and reduced swelling in the mucous membranes. It works great as a decongestant and expectorant and is valuable in fighting against respiratory problems such as coughs, asthma, throat infections, sinusitis, and bronchitis caused by colds, flu, hay fever, and frequent sneezing. Eucalyptus also fights inflammation of sore and fatigued muscles as well as with various other muscular aches and pains such as rheumatism, headaches, migraines, sprains, strains, as well as poor circulation and muscle spasms. Apart from giving pain relief, eucalyptus is also helpful in skin care. It is purifying and invigorating and has antimicrobial and astringent properties that can soothe skin eruptions and clear congested pores. Eucalyptus is great for speeding up the healing of acne, skin infections, chicken pox, and measles. The scent of eucalyptus works as a refreshing stimulant to clear the mind and enhances concentration. It has a soothing and calming effect on the whole body that can help with nervous exhaustion.

Lavender Oil is steam distilled from the spikes of the lavender flower. It is one of the favorites of all essential oils because it smells wonderful and has amazing qualities. It has a balancing and soothing scent that alleviates anxiety to calm and relax the whole body. It is often used in aromatherapy to combat psychological ailments and moods such as insomnia, depression, irritability, nervousness, nightmares, fear, and panic. It also helps alleviate allergies and hay fever, dizziness, tension and helps with tense and sore muscles and muscle spasms. For women, it supports female health and is great for soothing abdominal pains, fatigue, and moodiness due to the menstrual cycle. As a natural anti-inflammatory, lavender eases the pain of headaches and migraines, arthritis, and various other muscle aches and pains. It also works as a decongestant to help fight colds and flu, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, and nausea. It is also a great antiseptic for skin conditions like sunburns, acne, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, bruises, and lessens scarring by helping the skin heal faster. It will also counteract the itching and pain of insect bites and stings. It can even act as an insect repellant! Lavender oil tones and revitalizes the skin and balances the pH to help with oily and acne prone skin.

Peppermint Oil is extracted from peppermint leaves. It is a revitalizing, refreshing, cooling, and stimulating scent that aids in improving memory, alertness, mental fatigue, depression, and concentration. Peppermint is also great at alleviating nausea and muscle or nerve pain. Peppermint oil alleviates migraines and headaches and works as a natural decongestant and expectorant to relieve sinus and chest congestion as well as other respiratory ailments like coughs, asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. It works to cool the skin and reduce redness, irritation, itchiness, and the sting caused by sunburn, as well as helps to clear the skin from acne. Peppermint oil can soothe tired, sore, or achy muscles or feet as well as alleviate painful arthritis. The smell of peppermint can calm and lessen the feeling of nervousness, stress, dizziness, and faintness.  Soaking in a bath with peppermint oil can soothe painful cramps, muscle spasms, back pain, and improve circulation.

Spearmint Oil is extracted from the leaves of the spearmint plant. It is a refreshing, cooling, and revitalizing scent but unlike peppermint, spearmint contains far smaller amounts of menthol. It is useful for its antifungal properties and is an excellent source of antioxidants. Its scent can be calming and used for insomnia and nervousness, but it can also be invigorating, uplifting and stimulating to the mind. Spearmint is not as popular as peppermint oil, but is far gentler to use with children. It can calm the stomach and alleviate colic and gas as well as nausea and vomiting by relaxing the stomach muscles. It can even cure the hiccups! Spearmint also calms the respiratory tract to relieve cough, bronchitis, asthma, and soothe the sinuses. It also works great to stop muscle spasms, cure headaches and migraines, and battles fatigue and stress. Spearmint calms itching and can be used as an antiseptic. It works great to clear acne, dermatitis, and congested skin. For women, it can help to lessen the flow of heavy periods.

Sweet Almond Oil is a natural oil obtained from the dried kernel of sweet almonds. It can be used to replenish the skins hydration by reducing evaporation and lubricating it. It is easily absorbed and leaves the skin soft and smooth without the greasiness. It is suitable for all skin types but especially for dry or irritated skin because it relieve irritation, inflammation and itching while protecting and conditioning the surface of the skin to promote clearer younger looking skin. Sweet almond oil also helps to relieve muscle aches and pains. It is one of the most popular oils since it is non-greasy and spreads easily and is also great for nourishing the skin.

Sweet Orange Oil is extracted by pressing the orange peel. It is used in aromatherapy to create a feeling of happiness and warmth, while calming nervousness, tension, and stress. It can work as an anti-depressant and sedative that helps people relax and is amazing at helping children sleep at night. It is effective with colds and flu by eliminating toxins and stimulating the immune system. Orange oil also stimulates the formation of collagen and detoxifies congested skin and dermatitis in older more mature skin making it more healthy and younger looking. It is a natural anti-inflammatory that can lessen acne and soothe dry irritated skin.

Lemongrass Oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the lemongrass plant. It works well as an anti-depressant. It’s a revitalizing scent that fights fatigue, relieves headaches and stress, alleviates sore muscles, enhances circulation and clears oily skin and acne.  If you are one to excessively sweat, lemongrass might be the oil for you, as it alleviates excessive perspiration. Its uplifting scent is great for swerving feelings of nervousness and energizing the mind and body. Lemongrass fights cellulite, muscle aches, and fatigue with its fresh smell. Its scent also boosts the immune system by stimulating lymphatic secretions, which works amazing while recovering from an illness or surgery. The scent of lemongrass is also soothes respiratory illness such as sore throat, infections, and laryngitis while helping to prevent the germs from spreading to others. Lemongrass oil can increase the rate of toning muscles and tissue while it relieves muscle aches and over exerted ligaments. It increases circulation and can even work as an insect repellant!

Love Spell is a scent inspired by the Victoria’s Secret fragrance “Love Spell”. It is a fruity and sweet scent with notes of Italian bergamot, orange, grapefruit, peach, and strawberry with subtle notes of apple blossom, and white jasmine.

Patchouli Oil is derived from the steam distillation of the leaves of the patchouli plant. It is an oil that is valuable in skincare. It can break down cellulite and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells that promote healing and prevent scarring. It also fights depression and anxiety and increases libido. Patchouli can have a calming effect to help you fall asleep faster while also energizing you to keep you from being sleepy by keeping the mind focused. It cools inflammation and helps wounds to heal faster. Patchouli oil can also heal rough, cracked, severely dry skin, acne, eczema, and sores.

Tea Tree Oil is derived from the leaves of the tea tree. It is one of the most powerful immune system stimulants. Tea Tree oil is also used to revive the mind and body.  It quickly heals most viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. It can also relieve muscle aches and pains associated with arthritis and other body ailments. It is a natural expectorant so it works well for symptoms of colds and flu such as asthma, coughs, stuffy nose, and bronchitis. It even works great for baby’s colds and coughs! On the skin it helps to clear acne and dermatitis on oily skin and heals burns, athlete's foot, and sunburns

Aromatherapy Scents:

(These oils have no direct therapeutic effects and are strictly used only for their scent.)

Baby Powder is the recognizable scent of talc with a combination of citrus, vanilla, and lavender.

Coconut scent has a tropical, creamy, and sweet milky scent that takes your senses on an exotic vacation to a location with white sand, hot sun, and blue waters.

Cucumber Melon is a mild but sweet smell of the coolness of a cucumber paired with the sweetness of a melon.

Eucalyptus is a cool, refreshing, and crisp smell most recognized in the scent of Vick’s VapoRub.

Fresh Rain is the familiar clean, crisp, and earthy smell that comes from a fresh summer rain.

Honey Almond is a sweet and nutty scent of warm honey drizzled over roasted almonds.

Japanese Lotus Blossom is a sweet delicate scent of a Japanese Lotus flower.

Lavender is a sweet aromatic fragrance of the lavender flower that invokes a calming and tranquil feeling.

Lilac is a clean and intimate floral scent of the lilac flower. The scent of a lilac flower is closely similar to a mixture of honey and jasmine.

Peppermint is a cool, crisp, and clean scent that is also sweet and awakens the senses.

Plumeria is a cozy sweet floral scent of plumeria flowers. Plumeria flowers have a soft, tropical, peachy. 

Sweet Pea is a warm floral scent of the sweet pea flower. Sweet peas have a scent similar to honey and orange blossom.

Vanilla is a comforting and soft warm milky scent of the vanilla bean.

Wild Berry is the sweet and juicy scent of berries, orange, and lemon. Although it is a sweet and juicy scent, it is also a clean and fresh scent.

Apple is a juicy and fruity scent of ripe apples. This scent is a sweet and crisp scent.

Grapefruit is a crisp and spicy citrusy smell but is fruity and juicy at the same time.

Lemon is a tart and spicy but clean and fruity smell of the lemon fruit.

Mango is a sweet and juicy fruity scent of a mango fruit.

Rose is a sweet and refreshing feminine floral scent of the rose flower.


Aloe Vera encourages skin rejuvenation and heals wounds faster. It is great for the treatment of sunburn. It also relieves arthritis pain, improves blood circulation, reduces scarring, and works as an anti-inflammatory to reduce pain and itching. Aloe is an amazing moisturizer that helps stimulate the immune system. Aloe Vera is naturally hypoallergenic because it has almost the same pH of human skin.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can absorb UV rays and prevents free radical damage to the skin. It also works as an anti-inflammatory, heals wounds, and protects the skin from wrinkles.

Soap Bases:

Avocado Cucumber: avocado oil is a natural rich heavy vegetable oil that penetrates deeply into the skin. It is also loaded with vitamins A, D, and E, lecithin, and potassium. It is great for the dryness or itching of mature skin due to eczema or psoriasis. It rehydrates skin that is sun or climate damaged or undernourished because it regenerates and softens the skin. Avocado oil easily absorbs deep into the skin. Cucumber is great for the skin because it has the same pH as our skin. It works as a cooling and gentle astringent that softens, tones, and nourishes sun and heat stressed skin. It reduces the greasiness of skin caused by exposure to heat and soothes itchiness, tightens pores, and reduces puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. Cucumber leaves your skin radiant and fresh and deters the formation of blemishes or acne. It even smoothes wrinkles, boosts energy, and soothes sunburns!

Coconut Oil penetrates deeply and moisturizes the skin without leaving it feeling greasy but provides a protective barrier against free radicals. It screens out 20% of UV exposure which provides a natural sunscreen. Because of all the antioxidants that are a natural ingredient in coconut oil, it makes it an amazing anti-aging moisturizer and immune system booster. It has tons of Vitamin E to heal damaged skin such as cuts, scrapes, scars, and burns. It’s even safe enough to use on babies because it is safe enough to eat! (But I do not recommend eating any of my products! J ) Coconut oil is a great way to soothe the itching of stretch marks and it also prevents them too!

Glycerin promotes skin cell maturation which fights skin against skin disease such as psoriasis. In some cases it can also help wounds heal quicker. Glycerin is a humectant which means it attracts water. When it is applied to the skin, it traps in moisture that may otherwise escape. This helps prevent the skin from becoming dry or cracked which, in turn, leaves the skin soft and moist.

Goat’s Milk is wonderful for people with dry and/or sensitive skin because it has a pH similar to that of human skin. It also is wonderful for conditions like eczema and psoriasis because it helps to remove dead cells from the skin’s surface which leaves your skin looking younger and smoother. Removing the dead skin cells will remove irritation due to many skin conditions. Goat’s milk is high in vitamins, but is especially high in Vitamin A, which repairs damaged skin and making it healthy. Also because it is high in Vitamin A, goat’s milk reduces fine lines and wrinkles and controls acne. Since many people suffer from dry skin during the winter months, goat’s milk is an important quality for any soap. It will not dry your skin out but instead, will greatly moisturize it and keep it healthy. Goat’s milk has minerals like Selenium that is important for the skin. Selenium is believed to have skin cancer preventing properties. It can also prevent damage from excessive sun exposure.

Olive oil is soothing and healing on mature or dry skin. It is wonderful for sore and inflamed skin caused by dehydration and can also soothe symptoms of arthritis when rubbed onto the affected area.

Shea butter  is extracted from the nuts of the Shea tree. It protects the skin from dehydration as well as the elements such as the sun and wind. It works great to promote the healing of many skin conditions, minor cuts and burns, and soothes sore muscles. Shea butter is packed full of antioxidants and vitamins A, E, and D, which smoothes and prevents fine lines and wrinkles and also repairs scars. It works wonderful as an anti-inflammatory and deeply moisturizes and strengthens skin while protecting it from UV rays. Shea butter also regenerates skin and stimulates collagen production which makes skin softer, radiant, nourished, and younger looking. Shea butter is one of the best natural, regenerating, anti-aging, moisturizing, and protecting product in the world! Shea butter is the best way to care for skin in the winter and after sun exposure because it provides extra moisture, vitamins, nutrients and protection that your skin needs during the cold and sunny seasons. Because shea butter is so gentle and soft and all natural, rich in vitamins and nutrients, and heavily moisturizing, it is great for the sensitive skin of babies too! It is perfect for healing skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rash or diaper rash, hives, insect bites, dermatitis, and cracked skin. Shea butter is also beneficial to athletic types because it prepares muscles for workouts and allows them to recover faster afterwards which reduces muscle aches because it reduces and eliminates toxins from the muscles.

Soap Additives:

Almonds cleanse pollutants on the skin and the antioxidants in them keep your skin soft and glowing. They are also loaded with Vitamin E and Vitamin E is essential for your skin because it nourishes the skin and makes it healthy. Almonds also reduce fine lines and wrinkles and keep skin imperfections at bay. More specifically, almonds help fight acne, blemishes, and dark spots. This includes dark circles around the eyes.

Chamomile Flowers promote wound healing and soothes skin irritation. Some research has suggested that chamomile is similar to hydrocortisone on the skin.

Chia Seeds are loaded with vitamin E which fights aging and wrinkles. This vitamin E in Chia seeds are easily absorbed into the skin keeping it smooth and soft. Chia seeds also contain more Omega 3 fats than fish! 2 tablespoons of Chia seeds contain as much Omega 3 fats as 4 ounces of Salmon! Omega 3 fights against acne and wrinkles and keeps hair, skin, and nails healthy and beautiful. Not to mention it keeps your metabolism going too. The Omega 3 in Chia seeds help combat depression and other negative mood disorders. Chia is also full of zinc. Zinc is another anti-aging mineral that helps fight acne. It also keeps your skin from wrinkling and also has anit-inflammatory properties. Another mineral found abundantly in Chia seeds is magnesium. Magnesium gives you energy which helps with blood flow. The protein found in Chia seeds also promotes healthy hair. skin, and nails. The potassium in Chia seeds help with puffiness in the skin. 

Coconut (see coconut oil.)

Hibiscus Flowers are commonly called the "Botox Plant" because of its anti-aging properties. It will increase the elasticity in your skin giving it a youthful appearance. Hibiscus naturally stalls the enzyme elastase. Elastase is the enzyme that breaks down elastin. Elastin is what gives the skin its natural elastisity, so hibiscus helps lift and firm the skin. The organic acids such as citric acid and malic acid in hibiscus are natural exfoliants. These chemicals help reduce dark spots, age spots, and uneven skin tone. Hibiscus is rich in anthocyanocides, an antioxidant that helps to fight against skin cancer. These antioxidants can also reduce the appearance of large pores and reduce inflamed skin. Hibiscus is safe to use on sensitive skin. The acids in hibiscus also break down dead skin and controls acne. Most acne treatments strip the skin of its natural oils but hibiscus rejuvenates the skin giving it a healthy and glowing appearance. Hibiscus has a high content of mucilage. Mucilage is a sticky substance that helps plants store food and water, so it does the same thing for human skin and makes a wonderful moisturizer that is gentle enough for the most sensitive of skin types.      

Himalayan Pink Sea Salt soothes aches and pains while replenishing the minerals in the body as well as smoothing the skin.

Lavender Tea (see lavender oil.)

Oatmeal is full of natural fats and vitamins and minerals that add moisture to the skin. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is loaded with antioxidants so it is ideal for sensitive skin and can treat itchy skin due to sunburns, poison ivy, eczema, and chicken pox. Oatmeal is most beneficial in the winter months.

Passion Flowers have a calming effect on the body. They can be used for insomnia and other sleep disorders as well as anxiety and they even relieve symptoms related to narcotic drug withdrawal. Passion flower has anti-inflammatory properties and can relieve pain and swelling as well as muscle spasms.

Pure Cane Sugar is a natural raw sugar exfoliate that helps reduce blemishes and helps restore the oil balance in the skin. Pure cane sugar is packed full of glycolic acid that is crucial to healthy skin.  It helps protect the skin from toxins while it softens and nourishes it. 

Other Ingredients:

Citric Acid comes from citrus fruits and can brighten the skin and correct dark spots and fine lines. Because it can also work as an astringent, it can also shrink pores and treat mild acne. Citric acid can slough off dead skin and speed up new cell growth which, in turn, alleviates the appearance of age spots, acne scars, small wrinkles, and uneven tones and textures in the skin.

Cornstarch is great for absorbing excess oil on oily skin.

Epsom Salt is not actually a salt at all but is a naturally occurring pure mineral compound made up of the magnesium and sulfate.  Epsom salt is a natural exfoliator and anti-inflammatory that can also be used to treat dry skin, sore muscles, heal small wounds, and it even fights illness. It is easily absorbed into the skin so adding it to your bath or using it as a foot soak can do wonders for your body. Magnesium regulates over 325 enzymes in the body, reducing inflammation, improving muscle and nerve function, and preventing hardening of the arteries and blood clots. Sulfates improve the absorption of nutrients and flushing of toxins. Sulfates can also ease migraine headaches. Epsom salt works to relax the nervous system, cure skin problems, soothe back pain and achy limbs, and treat colds and congestion. Epsom salt even makes insulin more effective, relieves constipation, treats athlete’s foot and toenail fungus, soothes sprains and bruises, eases discomfort of gout, exfoliates dead skin, and clears blackheads. One of the best ways to ease stress and relax is to soak in a tub full of hot water with a little bit of my bath salts infused with your favorite scent.


Sea Salt is the natural salt that is produced directly from the sea water. It is produced when the salty water of ocean evaporates and the natural salt is left behind. This gives sea salt a lot of crucial nutrients that can do wonders for the body. It is a natural exfoliator that sloughs off dead skin. It is a natural stress reducer and improves the quality of sleep. It is a detoxifying salt that absorbs toxins from the skin, increases circulation, reduces fluid retention, and softens skin without feeling greasy. Its alkalizing effects help balance the acid levels in the body and helps eliminate the risks of potentially fatal diseases. Sea salt greatly strengthens the immune system and over time, your body can become more resistant to illnesses like colds and flu, fever, and allergies. It is a good source of potassium and can be used to fight muscle spasms, cramps, and pain. If your skin is dry or oily, sea salt will always keep it bright and beautiful. Sea salt is a natural purifier because it contains tons of vitamin C. Vitamin C seeks out free radicals and makes the skin smoother. Sea salt detoxifies the skin by absorbing all of the dirt, dust, and toxic materials. It pushes all toxins out of your body so the skin becomes softer and healthier. Regular baths in sea salt can greatly enhance the skin tone.