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What Are Superfoods?

'Superfoods' is a rather new term assigned to vegetables, fruits, and other products that promote your health and help you process food into energy in a more efficient way. They have been given the term 'super' because most of them have health promoting properties that include stopping illness from occurring even when you are exposed. This means the foods are supporting your immune system and making it easier for your white blood cells to work their magic.


Benefits of Superfoods

  • They usually are high in fiber, which promotes digestive health.
  • Often rich in iron to help your energy level.
  • Low in sodium, so they won’t affect your blood pressure.
  • High in vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Usually low in calories but still filling.
  • Help with digestion and balancing your system, especially your sodium/potassium pump.
  • Reduces free radicals.
  • Promote heart health.
  • Keep your metabolism steady.

Examples of Superfoods

Nuts are a superfood. For a long time people were staying away from nuts do to the high calorie content and the fat, but it turns out the fat is the 'good fat'. This means it promotes heart health while being high in fiber for your digestive health. It is also a great source of protein for energy. Quinoa is a whole grain that has become more popular ever since it was developed as a 'superfood'. High in protein and fiber, quinoa is also a great source of iron. Natural iron is always better than a supplement and easier to digest. Salmon is another low calorie source of protein but also is full of Omega 3 fatty acids. This promotes heart health and is something you are better off getting from food just like iron.

Beans are full of both soluble and insoluble fiber helping to lower your cholesterol and fill you up so you don’t eat more than you need. Broccoli is a favorite vegetable choice because it is available all year round. It is full of beta-carotine, and vitamins A and C. It is also a good source of vitamin K which helps you build strong bones. Berries are rich in antioxidants. They are high in water, helping your metabolism and can help you control your blood sugar. The antioxidants help remove free radicals aiding in preventing cancer and reduces aging.

All of these superfoods are great for your health and not hard to incorporate into your diet. You can use any or all of them in a variety of recipes to help get you in the best shape possible from the inside out. No matter what kind of exercise you do, providing your body with proper fuel is the key to making sure you have more energy and that you process food properly. You don’t realize how much processed foods can affect your digestive process and aid in unhealthy weight gain as well as lethargy. Superfoods are the first step in moving your diet in the right direction and staying healthy, even in winter.