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Here is the first, unaltered image that I started with.

The first thing I did was add an adjustment layer and give the city a purple glow around the edges.

Then I added a filter to the city, giving it glowing edges.

After using the lasso tool to select everything but the city, I added a new adjustment layer to turn the background edges red, as opposed to the cool blue.

Now is the time consuming part, coloring the city piece by piece.

Here is some more work as it gets done.

Here is some more, slowly filling in the dark edges.

This is the finished city, with red showing the spaces of the buildings facing to the right and yellow for the spaces of the buildings facing left.

With the city finished, I can move on to the areas around it, and paint the forest and hills in front of the city green to make it seem more natural.

The next step: adding color to the lake in front.

The next thing to color would be the sky.

The last coloring item is the sand on the shore of the lake.

I added another adjustment and color balance layer to show off the blues and contrast the color more.

I changed the color of the forest to something less washed out here, attempting to make the city the main attraction.

I added a few lines to the buildings to give them more texture and depth.