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Sensechals page of the paper.

What else from the Sensachel except an atical on Vampire treds since that is so well, Akiraish? Vampires have fascinated you mortals since prehistoric times and will of course continue to do so as time passes before Your eyes. Though your reaction through the ages has swung from terror to curiosity to outright adoration, Our presence is an undeniable~ intrigue. In every culture on earth, Vampire tales have abounded from the beginning of time, and that trend shows no sign of fading-indeed, it’s getting stronger every day We can thank Hollywood for much of that fame and the mass curiosity that it has caused. But realistically the reality is that people are always fascinated by the unknown.

It is clear that vampirism has been a theme of entertainers and storytellers for centuries-and with good reason. We have all devoured the books, we flock to the movie theaters in large numbers, and yet curiously enough you still invite vampires into every corner of your life with eager somewhat interesting anticipation. Oh, how you love your dangerous undead.

Vampires weren’t always so suave, sexy, and intriguing, well unless You are a Toreador, but we are the fortunate one. The earliest known "reference" to vampires is Sumerian and dates to 4,000 BC. The Ekimmu were spirits or demons who were not buried properly and vengefully returned to suck the life out of the living. These and similar precursors to our modern vampire myths predominated in ancient cultures such as the Mesopotamians, Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans. The entity which we’re familiar with today crystallized in early 18th Century South-eastern Europe, when verbal folklore from various ethnic groups was compiled, recorded, and published, roughing in the character sketch with details about blood-sucking fangs, coffins, bats, and an affinity for the night.

Vampires of the 18th century bear little resemblance to Bela Lugosi or Tom Cruise. Stoker’s original Dracula describes him as on old man with white hair, bushy eyebrows, long fingernails, a heavy mustache and even bad breath. Stoker actually cleaned them up considerably. Folklore holds that vampires initially appear as shapeless bags of blood that only take on human form after they’ve survived their first 40 days. Before Hollywood made vampires so darned likeable, they were horrific creatures, loathed and feared to the point of irrationality. Of course I was never so horribly unappealing.

The terror that vampires inspired has led to some strange footnotes to history. The ancient standing stones that “guard” some graves in Northeast Europe are suspected to be early anti-vampire measures. In the more recent past, vampires were often blamed when plague or pestilence wiped out a community. In the late 1990s archaeologists discovered a 16th century female skull with a rock wedged into her mouth, buried near the remains of a group of plague victims. The rock or brick shoved into the mouth was a common vampire-deterrent in that time period, as it was believed to prevent feeding. Suspects were sometimes buried face-down, as well, so that when they woke and began digging out, they would end up lost in the earth. Public executions of supposed vampires were common, and corpse mutilation to “kill” suspects got so out of hand that some European rulers created grave-robbing laws. Even in the American Northeast, vampire hysteria gained widespread ground in the 18 and 1900s. Many families reportedly disinterred loved ones and removed their hearts in the belief that the deceased was a vampire who was responsible for sickness or death in the family. The most famous and recent case involved a nineteen-year-old girl of Rhode Island, who died in 1892. Convinced that she was one of the undead, her father and the family physician removed her from her tomb two months after her death, cut out her heart, and burned it to ashes.

Clearly, you have come a long way in your appreciation of vampirism. With Hollywood driving the hysteria these days, vampires are in more danger from eager fans wanting autographs than from someone stalking around with a stake and a necklace of garlic. And why not? Vampires are fascinating, and by elevating them to mass media superhero status, we remove the fear and hatred that plagued our early history, which makes your nightmares a little less scary, and your world a little less threatening. We’ve turned your perennial fear of death into an entertaining diversion, and thrown in a little urbane wit and physical attraction for good measure. So, go on! Adore whichever vampire you choose! Adorn yourself with some truly delicious outfit and come to the crypt to visit your favorite Vampire friends.. We have many stories to tell and might even fill Your head with Our own "folklore". We promise We will not bite... hard.

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Vampire History

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