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My Daily Blog  "the first 90 days of my new life".


5/24/2011 Tuesday Day 1- So today is the day, I got up this morning wantin to grab a soda and some fast food for breakfast but that just isn't going to happen.  So I grabed me some fruit and my salad for lunch.  Todays work out is coming tonight i am pushing Play and I am doing my Power 90 Sculpt 1-2 workout and 30 minutes on the treadmill.   What a great workout, thank you Beachbody and Tony Horton for a great work out.


 5/25/2011 Wednesday Day 2- So today started out great I feel good and I ready to rock it out.  I hit work and come home,  Its a school night so I grab a quick chicken salad no dressing and eat it down and run off to turn in my paper.  After school I came home and did my Power 90 Sweat 1-2 workout  and my hips and sides felt it.  Great work out thanks  Beachbody!


5/26/2011 Thurday Day 3- So today was a vacation day (From Work) I dontacted my time to my honor society at school and went in the dunk tank, 50 degrees and raining I got a freezing work out... I was cold all day tell I came home and pushed play hit the work out and Power 90 Sculpt 1-2 warmed me up and I stayed that way.  Thanks Tony and Beachbody for pushing me to keep going. 


5/27/2011 Friday Day 4- So today is a great day,I am eating good and starting to crave the soda... but I am above it because I have my Beachbody and Shakeology. today is a special day, I passed on my biggest weaknesses I said no to movie theathre popcorn and pop.  Well time to push play Power 90 Sweat 1-2.   



5/28/2011 Friday Day 5-  Today I jumped on the scale I am down 9 pounds and I am happy as all can be,  I feel good my Recovery Drink helped last night.  Last day of  Power 90 Sculpt 1-2 for the first week I got to make it count.  I am eatting better then ever and I Love life more then ever.  Thanks Beachbody. 


5/29/2011 Saturday Day 6-