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Traveling has so many possibilities as to what you can use, do, and how you can create the kind of experience you want. It is rare to find somebody that will have the same traveling plans just like you, so why not take advantage of that and create your own traveling plan? This article can help you.

When traveling internationally on a budget, consider taking flights rather than trains to your destinations. While trains are perhaps the more traditional mode of transportation for backpackers, many airlines offer discount flights that are much cheaper than train tickets. This way, you can travel to more places without adding to your budget.

When planning to fly for a trip, don't forget any frequent flier miles you might have racked up. It does you no good to hang onto those once you've already gone on your big vacation. Even if you don't have enough miles to cover the whole trip, many airlines will allow you to discount your rate using your miles.

When traveling by air, there is no longer any reason to carry a separate toiletries bag. All of your liquids and gels will need to fit into a Ziplock bag regardless. That bag will already be sealed, and will be smaller and lighter than any bag designated for the task.

Traveling light can make the difference is a great vacation and a tortuous experience. Think about it. If you don't take it with you can almost always buy it there. There are exceptions of course but even with those just a little bit of thought while packing can greatly reduce your load and make your trip much more enjoyable.

Enroll in the loyal customer club. These clubs reward you with a free night after you've stayed a certain number of nights at their participating locations. Even if aren't planning to stay with them again, enroll anyway. Being a member often entitles you to extra benefits--anything from drinks to internet access--during your stay.

When planning flights for lower prices, check the actual website for every airline that offers flights to the destination. Although some websites offer low prices, there may not actually be a flight to that exact location.

If you're going on a cruise with your family, pack along some Walkie-talkies. Cruise ships are basically floating cities and it's very easy to get separated. Walkie-talkies can help everyone keep in touch, especially if you don't get cell phone reception or if you're out of the country and don't want to pay heavy international charges.

Prior to traveling abroad, take some time to familiarize yourselves with the local laws of the country you are visiting. Laws can be very different from country to country. Consulates cannot step over local laws, so if you do break one, even if you were unaware of it, you will be held accountable.

When you are traveling overseas, try searching for souvenirs in unusual places. It has become increasingly difficult to find souvenirs that were made at the place you are visiting. Try looking in supermarkets, stationery shops and hardware stores. You will find things that people in the area actually use and the packaging will be unique to your destination.

Before you begin thinking about where you would like to travel next, subscribe to get emails from major airlines, hotels and rental companies. It will increase your amount of "junk" mail, but these newsletters often include information about last-minute hotel deals or flights that will allow you to use your frequent-flyer miles. Since these deals go quickly, finding out about them first is essential.

When you are traveling by cruise ship, take a picture with you to put on your door. It is easy to get confused and have difficulty locating your room. All the hallways and doors on the ship look very similar to one another. To help you find your room without any hassle, put a picture of something you know very well on it. Just be careful not to put any personal photos up.

Bring a dry erase board and markers with you when you are traveling on a cruise ship. Put these items up on your door; you will now have an easier time identifying your room, and your family can write notes on it to tell you where they are going. Prepare the dry erase board before you leave for the trip by gluing magnets to the back of it.

When you know you will be on an airplane for an extended amount of time, make sure you dress for the occasion. Wearing tight jeans will not be comfortable and will make you miserable by the end of the ride. Try sweatpants or a loose fitting cotton dress.

Carry a small first aid kit with you when you are traveling on vacation. It is always a good idea to have some pain relievers or other medicines or allergy medication with you for an emergency. You can also take some band aids, alcohol swabs, gauze, and triple anti biotic ointment for scrapes or cuts you may get.

When you are traveling, do not throw out any of the brochures or visitor guides that you accumulate on your journey. When you get home, cut them up into words and phrases. Use the slips of paper in your scrapbook as a way to accent the pictures that you took on your vacation. They will help you remember details about your trip years later.

Bring an over the door shoe organizer along whenever you're staying in a hotel. Being an organized traveler in a hotel can be tough. There is limited drawer, counter, and closet space. Keep your bathroom essentials, shoes, and accessories organized and in clean site by putting them in your shoe organizer as soon as you arrive.

Check your radio alarm in your hotel room before you sleep. You just don't know if someone else has set the alarm, and you don't want any surprises.


Traveling to new places should be fun, not stressful. This advice will help take the worries out of your travel and let you have a great time. No matter where you're going or how you're getting there, these tips will help make your vacation a little easier and a little more fun.