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These rules are pretty generic and common among most trades, but I feel that it is important to "spell things out" for new traders who may not be familiar with how the community runs. Please do not feel overwhelmed, I like to think that I am easy to approach and get along with. I try to be as understanding as possible, too.

Trading Ratios: 

1 full audio = 1 full audio

*Ratios for highlight (incomplete) audios depends on how extensive the highlights are and the rarity. Inquire as these will vary on a case-by-case basis. 

1 DVD = 1 DVD

1 DVD = 2 full audios or 3 highlight audios

*I trade by disc, not by show. If a show is on 2 DVDs, I would expect to receive 2 DVDs in return. This may mean I ask for another 2 DVD capture or I may request two single DVD captures. 

*Ratios for highlight (incomplete) DVDs depends on how extensive the highlights are and the rarity. Inquire as these will vary on a case-by-case basis. 

I may be willing to trade unfairly for some of the items on my wants list. Inquire if you are in possession of any rare items on my wants list as I am most likely willing to make the ratio unbalanced in your favor. 

Rare & Limited Trade/Unlisted Trades:

Anything marked on my list as "rare" was at the discretion of the person I received the files from. As time goes on and these "rare" files have been traded out more and more, they may no longer be considered rare. If you receive something from me in a trade that is labeled as "rare" and you believe that is no longer a "rare" recording, then you do not have to carry this label over to your own list/collection. 

I am willing to leave items off of my list at your request, but if I see it appear on your list down the line, it is fair game for me to also list it on mine as far as I am concerned. This does not apply to your own masters. Similarly, if I tell you to keep something unlisted and I decide to list it down the line, you are welcome to add it to your list. 

Preparing Items:

Audio Trades
I do not care what brand of CDs you use, but I use Memorex. I am willing to accommodate if you have a problem with Memorex discs, but it may take me longer to ship out the discs. 

DO NOT attempt to write complete cast information on the CD itself. Either write the complete cast information on the sleeve, or a piece of paper included with the sleeve. You can also email me the complete cast information. If it is already listed on your website, that works as well. 

On the CDs themselves, please write the MAIN leads plus show title and location/date. Here are a couple of examples with shows I commonly trade for: