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My Family





  • Alan - Oldest at 29 years old, still single.  He lives in Washington D.C. and works as a lawyer for the government.
  • Eric - Next oldest at 26 years old, also single.  He works as an accountant for Chrysler in Detroit.
  • Nate - After my sister, the next in line.  He is 21 and just came back from Australia where he was for 2 years for a college.  He is now at college in Utah
  • Ben - After Nate, just graduated 2 years ago.  He is closest to me in age.  He has done 1 year of college and on to his second. He is 19.
  • Keith - Twins with Tyler, they are both 13.  In 8th grade now and only people that live at home with me.
  • Tyler - Twins with Keith, also 13.  In 8th grade but on a program that puts him in classes 2 years ahead of him.  He is very smart.

  • Laura - My only sister, age 24.  She is a chemical engineer for Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan.  Also single.
  • Mom - My mom is very nice, and has never yelled at me in my life.  When she gets angry at me, she always speaks in a calm voice.  She is a stay-at-home mom.
  • Dad - My dad really likes computer games, and when he gets home from work he eats dinner and then plays games with us.  He is an ophthalmologist at Shoreline Vision next to Mercy Hospital.