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Doneareum Winston recently found his soulmate and is planning on wedding his love by the end of 2008. They are also expecting a baby next spring, possibly in May 2009. Doneareum was in foster care for 13 years and wrote his 302pg. memoir in 2005 at the age of 20, entitled "I've Found the End of the Rainbow." He self-published it in 2007. He recently finished the follow-up which is 353pg. entitled, "A Place Where I Belong," detailing his struggle to love and find peace and acceptance in this often cold world. Doneareum also speaks to youth groups at churches, schools, courthouses, detention centers, and anywhere he is asked to. For more information about Doneareum and his books, just google- Doneareum S. Winston.

our bio

On a brisk and sunny fall day in late September 2008,Doneareum was working and just reveling in the joys of fatherhood and parent hood. It was only 5 days earlier that Doneareum learned that his fiance was pregnant with thier first child together. Excited about fatherhood and while talking with Frank, who has a 5 year old daughter with his wife, Doneareum wanted to do something new and different to comemorate and celebrate the announcement of his first born. Both extremely creative and exceptionally talented individuals, Doneareum and Frank began brainstorming. "We felt that it would be awesome, different, and a truly great idea to create something for babies and toddlers where baby stories and pictures could be shared amongst mothers and fathers worldwide to show off thier prides of joy!" Frank, began excercising his skillls on the computer to create a website. Doneareum, who is an author, poet, and speaker began creating the themes to share. It wasn't long before a site was created and therefore, a place where people of all ages and races could come together to share thier children with thier friends and families in thier communities and statewide! Both Frank and Doneareum, value the idea of what family life is supposed to be according to God, but understand that somethings are not planned in advance and therefore, wanted to do something where people could feel acceptance, love, peace, and happiness, and take pride in sharing thier gifts from the creator of all things on this earth. The Smart Choice For Proud Parents