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Cryptocurrencies - Still a long way to go in Africa

Digital Currencies and Africa


While the U.S and many countries in Europe and Asia are benefitting massively from the advent of digital money, cryptocurrency adoption among Africans is still moderate at best, as skepticism and knowledge gaps impede widespread acceptance on the African continent.


Understandably, countries from the developed world having solid monetary base and relatively stable fiscal structures are better suited to implement digital currencies. However, nations with high inflation rates and tight money controls such as those in Africa tend to be more skeptical about adopting this new store of value. In any case, like the advent of web, it will be almost impossible to boycott this new era of financial disruption, or control its spread.


For example the Central Bank of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation does not yet recognize the legitimacy of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies because the CBN can’t control or regulate Blockchain. However, private dealers and enthusiasts in the country are using this new cash to democratize their personal economy.

In Ghana, BTCGhana is giving both urban clients and the underbanked populace more efficient ways to buy and sell cryptocurrency. Users can now buy goods or pay for services within minutes and transfer monies to  customers and family.


In Eastern African countries like Tanzania and Kenya, some entrepreneurs are gradually becoming acquainted with cryptocurrency frameworks to boost cross-border trade, as exemplified by the likes of BitPesa.


South Africa seems to be ahead of its counterparts, as the country has a diverse and thriving hub of crypto investors and traders, with many digital coins fast becoming prevalent.


The Way Forward


It is evident that the African continent stands to benefit immensely form digital currencies due to the fact that Africa needs a viable alternative to the feeble and often unavailable African fiat cash. The only way cryptocurrency can be of considerable benefit in African countries is if it is implemented at governmental level. This will enable the advantages permeate into the financial fabric of the continent to improve outcomes for both government and its citizenry. Avesta is one company on a mission to take on the toughest challenges to widespread acceptance and adoption by tackling the information gap surrounding this decentralized store of value.



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