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carpet dry cleaning St Kilda

What You Need to


Know About


Dry Carpet Cleaning

Not many people are aware of it but there are actually two different methods by which carpet cleaners do their job. These two are simply known as the wet carpet cleaning method and the dry carpet cleaning method. In some cases, wet cleaning is also known as steam cleaning as well as hot water extraction.


Although both methods are efficient in removing stains and dirt from your carpet, the dry method actually makes it possible for you to resume your normal activities in the shortest possible time.


There are actually three ways by which carpet dry cleaning St Kilda companies perform their work. These methods would include the use of dry foam, the use of absorbent pad, and the use of absorbent powder. For the first one, most carpet dry cleaning St Kilda companies apply a liquid foam crystallizing shampoo on the carpet. This is then allowed to dry and then removed without the use of water. 


In order to do so, companies make use of a vacuum. Because of the process involved, the use of dry foam is typically done as a way of readying the carpet for hot water extraction. By itself, it is rarely able to efficiently clean the carpet since the shampoo can leave residues behind.


The technique used by carpet dry cleaning Glen Waverley technicians when it comes to the use of absorbent pad is similar to how dry foam is used. However, the difference lies in the fact that a large cotton bonnet is used. The large bonnet is typically set in your carpet in a rotating motion. This, in turn, causes the dirt in your carpet to become absorbed by the cotton bonnet.


Just as with the dry foam method, there is no rinsing involved in the absorbent pad technique. Although it does not leave any residue behind, the use of absorbent pad, by itself, will not efficiently clean your carpet as efficiently as you would want to. In some cases, it might even cause the dirt to be smeared all over your carpet.


Now, as the name implies, in the absorbent powder method, a layer of dry, absorbent powder is spread throughout the area of the carpet that needs to be cleaned by the carpet dry cleaning Glen Waverley technicians. The powder is typically moist and is allowed to dry for a few minutes. Once the powder has dried, it is vacuumed off the carpet. Again, since there is no rinsing, there is a possibility of powder residue getting left behind. That being the case, it is not a good idea to have this done on your carpet without a follow through of a wet method.


Most professionals rarely recommend the use of dry method only. If you are intent in ensuring that your carpet is as clean as it can get, it is best that you also make use of hot water extraction to ensure that no residue gets left behind. Be prepared, however, for the fact that you might have to wait far longer before you can have your home by yourself again.


Now, as the name implies, in the absorbent powder method, a layer of dry, absorbent powder is spread throughout the area of the carpet that needs to be cleaned by the carpet dry cleaning Glen Waverley technicians. There are actually three ways by which carpet dry cleaning St Kilda companies perform their work.