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Tour and Quizzes  #2




Chapter 5 Tour


1.  There are a lot of vehicles advertised on this site.  The website allows for full color and high resolution images of the vehicles.  And they don’t have to make brochures for all the vehicles.  It allows consumers to view all the vehicles and their features without having to look through that many brochures. 


2. The homepage for Ernst and Young has a lot of information on it.  To me it is too overwhelming.  I think that much of the content could have its own page.  Maybe because the site has so many pages they put more content on one page than is appealing.


3.     I did not find many websites that were too broken up.  But I am sure there are websites made by novices that have too many breaks or pages with only one paragraph or graphic when I am sure that the pages could be combined with others. 


4.     It is good that sites like weather and traffic can be updated every few minutes if need be.  Otherwise they would not be helpful.


5.     People are more likely to use electronic means to send in information if they can.  It is nice if a site has an option to fill out an electronic form and email or submit it right there.




Chapter 5 Quiz


1.     Print- Stockholders might not use the internet due to age.  Print is familiar and portable.


2.     Web- Send every studio your web address because it is cost effective and shows a comprehensive span of your work. 


3.     Web- Changes are made regular.  Web is cost effective. 


4.     Web- Changes can be weekly so this is more cost effective. 


5.     Web- You have a large audience base and booklets are small maybe not worth the cost of printing.


6.     Web- The website will allow high quality and can contain much information.



Chapter 6 Tour


1. website is left aligned  website is left aligned website is left aligned website is left aligned website is left aligned  website is left aligned website is left aligned Most of the pages were left aligned but the “apply online” page was center aligned.


Some of these webpages seemed more clean because they were not only aligned consistently but because they were also less cluttered with pictures and other information


2.     Pages that are aesthetically pleasing allow you to focus on the content and not be distracted by the layout of the webpage.  If the pages have used alignment, proximity, repetition, and contrast correctly the site is more appealing.


3.     When a page is aligned and neater it is more pleasant and not overwhelming or distracting to the eye.


4. It is hard to distinguish which posts are from the author and what posts are from site visitors.  The ads are placed in main areas and it is hard to maneuver around the page in a clear manner.  I can’t even tell what I am supposed to do on this site.   There is too much info in one place.  The proximity is too close there isn’t any space between information. Everything is too close on this website.  The main information is cluttered with secondary information. 


5.  The pages all have the same heading and same menu. The pages all have the same menu and format and heading. The pages all have the same menu across the top and down the left side and use the same format and colors for all the pages. 


6.      Of the corporate sites I looked at the information seemed unified.  They used the same menu at the top and same color scheme throughout.  They also use alignment the same throughout the sight.  Repetition is important throughout the site so the viewer doesn’t have to adjust visually how they look at the site and it looks more professional.


7. for Avon .  The page asking you to apply online to be a representative was aligned center when all the other pages are aligned left.  It was ok because it still look clean and professional and the center alignment made it look different in a way to get attention. 


8.  The background on this website is too distracting. 



Chapter 6 Quiz


1.     I checked the alignment on my website.  I made sure everything was left aligned.


2.     I made sure everything was spatially aligned correctly.


3.     Elements are repetitive.  The same size and colored font is used on all the pages.  The pattern of the headline and text is the same on each page.  The link to the homepage is the same on all the pages. 


4.     I created contrast with the green text on a white background but the main color of the page is orange as it is the background.   All the headlines are green along with the main body text.



Chapter 7 Quiz


Better interface and navigation: B 

Because there is a menu to the left and the icons are clear and an alternative menu across the bottom.

“A” has too much going on.  Not enough contrast or size differentiation.  “B” has contrast and better proximity. 



