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A Little About Me

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:The Model:
Title: Bring Me Down
Colors: Titanium, Black, White, Red
Tools: Photoshop CS, Imageready CS, Notepad, Dreamweaver MX, Angelfire
Song: Kanye West ft. Brandy: Bring Me Down

:Site Constitution:
Yes, just like many sites, my page has a constitution which consist of you're rights and what you dont have rights doing. They read:

:Copywrite Law:
All persons found violating the law of my constitution will result in YOU having to buy a new computer, and possible starting everything over that you have from scratch. How is this possible? I do have software and equipment that keeps logs of what goes on on my site. I do have software and equipment to kill your computer. Under code, I have the right to carry out penalties for offenders. All rights reserved.

Well I can say I really dedicated the song to those who are over in the wake of Hurrican Katrina and feel that all hope is gone.

This is sent especially to the black community:
I know what they are doing to all of you. It's really a shame. A shame that no one should have to feel. It's really just pitiful that after damn near 400 years they are still trying to keep us under surpression and drive us to killing eachother to let them live out their fantasy of the ideal America. I make this site mixed with this song in words of saying to just hold on. They try to keep us down, but in all and every situation we still rise. Little do they know that the struggle they put us too only makes us stronger. But make no mistake that this could have been prevented; at least the suffering to an extent. If New Orleans and the rest of the areas hit were heavily populated by whites, BUSH would have saw too in advance that lives were saved and the situation would have been better. Which leads me to say, just as Kanye said "Bush don't care about black people." And he doesnt. Its clearly been stated. But in final words, hold on, and do not bow down to falling in their trap.

and to the rest of the victims of Katrina, I know that BUSH is doing a very shitty job as playing a role in the overseer of this country. Just continue looking to God, as you will find the solution to all of your problems and just know that he has help on the way for you all.

And to everyone else, who has felt that people have tried to hold you back, and hender you from doin what you always knew you could, or telling you you will never be wnat you want to be, this song is for you. Things happen for a reason, and when things are wrong your way, just hold out, because something good is waiting to happen. God bless.