With so many cool customizers out there creating many cool customs showing up on EBay how does one keep track of them all? How do you catch the custom made figure you want before it disappears? I'll tell you how; the C.A.S.E. Files! It stands for Customizer's Auction Sales on EBay and lists all the custom action figures that that are being sold on ebay by customizers around the world. These eBay links on my site contain my Ebay Partner Network affiliate links so when you click on them or buy something you'll be helping me out! In the last few years the CASE files needed to be overhauled in a BIG way. Remember the giant list of individual names and links of customizers? Unfortunately over the last 5 years or so people dropped out of the hobby, changed names, or changed/upgraded sites. This meant the giant list of once active sellers was basically a giant list of dead links of all but a few. Something had to be done to streamline the process. The solution was simple: find the most current custom action figure offerings through ebay itself, searching directly for the auctions. But how does a new or seasoned customizer get his customs noticed in a sea of edible cake prints, trading cards, and loose action figures? I'll tell you how, using the right KEYWORDS in the right CATEGORY. Sellers no longer need to put 'action figure' or 'figure' in their title so long as they list their custom under the action figure category. However a buyer must search for the keywords "Custom ______ Action Figure" in order to find it! So sellers please list your auction title such as "Custom Marvel Legends Deadpool" under the [Action Figure---> Comic Book Heroes] category. Buyers must search for the keywords "Custom Marvel Legends Deadpool Action Figure" in order to narrow it down, or get a thousand listings for custom lego, sketches, and t-shirts. To help you find everyone's custom figures here's the Ebay keywords that distinguish the custom made figures from the general lot of things on ebay. Click on one and you will be taken to the Action Figure category on Ebay for that particular line of figures. No more digging through the search mess! (All eBay links are eBayPartnerNetwork affiliate links that help me out!)
Custom Marvel Legends Action Figure Custom Transformers Action Figure Custom Star Wars Action Figure Don't see the action figure line you're looking to find customs of? Enter it in the search box, just remember to add the keywords CUSTOM ACTION FIGURE along with the line, like HALO CUSTOM ACTION FIGURE. CASE Files sellers, it's up to YOU to use the right keywords and place your customs in the Action Figure category. Want link the CASE Files to your site? Well here's some nifty banners done by our very own Franky4Fingers, ready to use. You can of course make your own banner and perhaps feature one of your own customs in it! Want more banner choices? Head to the CASE Files banner page and pick one. We've had so many awesome entries that a whole page was needed. Keep em coming! ![]() |