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only a whisper
Friday, 17 October 2003
the carnival
hey this is the first time i've actually put a title on one of the entries... it was fun D and E period i worked on the maze although like 1/3 of D period i was just sitting there in the maze :). then like after school i just stayed for a while and then went to chaves or however u spell it w/ ben, alex, and janelle which was a lot of fun. ohhh i also enjoyed watching ben, alex, hank, and mr. crossland play some diffrent version of monopoly. and oh i did help out w/ the NHS stand the stupid ballon dart toss thing. hum... what else happened i followed ben around basically poor him, but i didn't know what else to do or where else to go so ya that was my day.

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 9:24 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 14 October 2003

history test this morning janelle got me this really pretty pretty butterfly from the renaissance fair THANK U SO MUCH JANELLE you keep getting me really nice cool stuff that makes my day thank u. so while we were waiting to start our history test ben was showing us the durability of his watch... and i'm just blabbing random things that dont make sense... what would make ur life better... pendulum ... ah i'm not listening to people... everything is no answer the last 3 problems :) ... ec i'm just looking at "notes" .... meeting... correcting history test... oh alex's phone during the math test... mrs. cover hang up... dots... secret/idea/scheme... i'm tired now i just wrote down those points so i wouldn't forget the day ok goodnight i'm tired bi

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 11:28 PM PDT
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Monday, 13 October 2003

blah... i'm so happy i've given up on math i don't know y i'm happy though... everyone needs to pray really REALLY REALLY hard that i dont fail my test 2m because i don't get ANY of the stuff bother...
i'm so retarded ok i get home and what work do i feel like doing... bio but no i left my bio binder in my locker at school. how retarded is that. and i saw it in my locker and was like hey i don't need my bio binder and left... i feel so retarded. blah ok i'm ok

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 4:44 PM PDT
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Sunday, 12 October 2003

this has been a crazy weekend here i will tell u of the events although i know u all really don't care
friday after school i drove home... falling asleep... then i get home and i fall asleep wake up because we were suppose to leave about 15 min ago for class so i leave for class 1/2 asleep i come back home not very please work on my bio notecards for a while and then my dad takes me to q-cup :) :) :) and then we come back home i finish my bio notecards and then i search online for a article for bible then i go upstairs read for a lil and go to sleep
saturday: (yesterday) wake-up go to the SATs very unfortunately then i wait in this long line... blah blah blah... then when it's over i get out and my dad's like what took u so long and he's like were late for a wedding so we go home and we are seiously at my house for less than 3 min because i had to change (i couldn't go to a wedding in jeans) so were at the wedding... and then after about 10 min in the reception i go to the car and just sit there bored stiff for an hour we come home for about 45 min and then were off again this time to rehearsal till about 7:30 i come home work a lil and then go upstairs and go to sleep
sunday: well at least my parents are allowing me to stay home to get some of my work done which u already know about oh you don't well u can go look at my other website cause i said all the hw i had to do there if ur at all interested, but i know you aren't so theres nothing to worry about :) :) :)

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 11:18 AM PDT
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Thursday, 9 October 2003

today hum... after school came home rushed off and didn't get back home till 9:15... it was weird i ate a dinner w/ my mom and then went to school where my dad picked me up and then my mom left and then i ate dinner again with my dad this time (because if i were to protest it would b this big deal to him) so i ate dinner 2x and then went back to school for some weird college meetine who knows what it is and i saw rob there and then ben just like majically appeared behind me. so i got to sit next to rob and ben which was really weird cause i haven't sat between two guys since i think 4th grade during chapel when we didn't really get a choice oh who we sat next to. so ya the entire thing was boring and a waste of time but it was fun writting notes back and forth to ben. that was like the only amusing part. "there is a mcdonalds university that trains managers" "his lack of hair annoys me" so ya and then afterwards i came home. so now it's 11:20 and i still have about 100 questions left to do for history blah oh well i guess i better go work on them some more. ok bi. luckily no one reads this anyway... just new realization my recent entries have been longer than my old entries :)

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 11:12 PM PDT
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Monday, 6 October 2003

everyone is so nice to me... so i'm so much happier than earlier... janelle gave me this really really pretty tiny purple orchid and i really love it a lot THANK U so much janelle even though i know you will never read it. and then ben sent me text messages during B period. and julia w. was so nice also. and then my mom brought me tapioca/pearl tea.
the only draw back was that we had to read our letter poems in front of the class and it was super scary. but ya i lived. i found it amusing how hank was like your poem is so sad and how alex later was like i feel so bad i feel like i've ignored you.
bio lab- disaster like normal.
and afterwards ben and alex were going all crazy kicking lockers and smashing cupcakes it was very entertaining.
so in all i'm feeling a lot better... or was... i'm just sort of slumped into a melencolic mood. i want to bring janelle orchid and put it right by my computer cause that would help cheer me up... but then i know it would have an extrememly short life span. and when it dies i will b really sad so i'm just going to leave it out in the kitchen where it will survive and b happy with all of my mom's orchids. i know you could really care or less so i don't c y i'm even telling you this oh well bi.

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 7:10 PM PDT
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Saturday, 4 October 2003

i wish i would break my ancle, but not have to wear a cast (luckily no one will read this so no one will care)

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 7:18 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 4 October 2003 7:22 PM PDT
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Friday, 3 October 2003

i'm adding another entry just because it seems like i should ok so that's all i will say bi.

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 7:13 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 3 October 2003 7:13 PM PDT
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Monday, 29 September 2003

random quote from chapter 13 because i don't know i sort of felt like putting them in

"it was only the darkened house that could contain her. when the sunshine came again, she was not there. her shadow faded across the threshold..."
"everything was against her. the world was hostile..."

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 8:14 PM PDT
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Saturday, 27 September 2003

happy birthday audrey

Posted by me5/onlyawhisper at 1:27 PM PDT
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