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Scholes Genealogy Service

Genealogy Services




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Working with us to discover your ancestry and family heritage couldn't be easier! Check out our service options below.

Full-Scale Research Package

If you are curious about who your ancestors were and what places and events shaped their lives, then you have definately come to the right place. Genealogy research can help you learn your family's unique history, traditions, their overseas origins, medical history, and the contributions toward the creation of your life. click here to learn more

Hancock & Penobscot County Research

We are located in Hancock County, Maine and can provide on-site research for you in the following counties: Hancock & Penobscot. click here to learn more

Family History Website

Have you researched your family tree and would like to share the information with others? Don't just search the Internet for information on your ancestors, have a web site of your own so others can find you. click here to learn more

Advice Service

Want to do your own research, but not sure how to start? click here to learn more

Note: Please note that these prices are for illustrative purposes only. They do not constitute an offer of service. If you are interested in these services, you should email us.

    Scholes Genealogy Services
PO Box 432, Hancock, Maine 04640
Telephone: (207) 664-0726