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Austrian & Worldwide phonecards
field trials . hard-to-get countries . GSM . information . andmuchmore

This website is dedicated to phonecards collecting, especially the collection of rare phonecards, testcards, field trials and GSM SIM cards for mobile phones.

> > fast service > > great quality > > 100% reliable
click here to read feedback of some of my customers & suppliers

Worldwide Cards | Austrian Cards | Thematics | GSM | facts & figures | home

This site started on 29/01/1998 - latest update from 29/05/2020! Experience in phonecards since 1989!

I hope to see you soon at any fair!! Very Interesting Phonecards.

choose from the following:

worldwide specials (trial cards, forerunners, first issues and other rarities)

worldwide phonecards

GSM SIM cards worldwide

Austrian private cards with great thematics

Telephone Credit Cards (TCC)

news (information about interesting issues worldwide)

check-list for worldwide countries & systems collectors [version of Nov. 2013]


Currency Converter

Payment:Bank transfer with BIC & IBAN preferred.
For small amounts I do accept payment by

For inquiries and questions about certain cards listed here please do not hesitate to contact me at:

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