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~Welcome to Mystic's Haven~

Baby Globe

This site is dedicated to all the missing & abused children everywhere.
Together we can make a difference!

Family Friendly Stop Hate Net Nanny

Children's Bill of Rights.

You have the right to:
Learn to ask questions
Seek help
Laugh & be happy
Express your feelings
Take care of yourself
Follow your dreams
Do things for yourself
Protect your mind & body
Recieve & give affection
Be proud of your work
Be the best you can be
Love yourself, love others, & be loved
Child Find 1985-1995

Together we can make a difference. Let's bring these precious children home!

This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying 13 missing children alert cases. Clicking on the photographs will bring up the alert page with information, and the ability to print posters. Clicking on the Marquee Message will connect you to the NCMEC home page.

Angel Heart

My Adopted Angel for Missing Children.

Angelheart Adoption Banner

Teardrop For the Children
"Teardrops for the Children"

Little Angels in Heaven Banner
Click on banner above to adopt your own Little Angel in remembrance of a murdered child.

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!

Adopted: October 22,1999

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!


Never Forget Banner
Let us NEVER forget.

Childfind 1-800-387-7962 Childfind Missing Child Information
Click on the left side of banner above to go to Child Find Canada's Home Page. Click on right side to bring up information on the missing child pictured.

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Please Enter Here For The Index To My Site!

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The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal

Ladies of the Heart Banner

Lisa Jane's Banner
Please click on the above banner to go directly to Lisa Jane's site!

Mystic's Banner

If you would like to link back to my site just send me an e-mail and I will send you my banner.