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Author's Notes: Thanks to Lyn for her quick beta read. And to Christina Klineburger who found a few extra mistakes I had missed.


Warning: This story is based on real events.




Good Times

By Mel Bone




Blair Sandburg has just spent the last 8 hours, teaching, grading papers and helping Jim with his latest case at Major Crimes.  He was tired and really looking forward to getting home.


Taking one final look around his office he gathered up his backpack and headed out into the cold night air, breathing a sigh of relief as he finally backed his beloved Volvo out of the University car park.


Blair had been driving for about ten minutes when he suddenly became aware of another car behind him.


He started to get nervous as the car started gaining on him, thinking of all the criminals he had crossed paths with since he started hanging around with Detective Jim Ellison.  He was relieved when the car caught up to him and then over took him.  He breathed a sigh of relief as he realised the car carried six teenage boys, who all turned and waved and shouted out to Blair as they passed.


Blair shook his head “You’re paranoid Sandburg” he thought to himself, but then again it wouldn’t have been the first time he’d been kidnapped or hurt because of his association with Jim, luckily not this time.


He smiled as the car disappeared around the corner, remembering himself at that age and the crazy things he used to do.


As he rounded the corner, the horrifying image that greeted him would forever be imprinted on his mind.  The teenagers’ small sedan was now wrapped around a telegraph pole.  The impact had split the car in two, with the rear end of the car resting near the now horizontal pole, and the front had ended up about five meters away, coming to rest at the bottom of a small incline.  All six passengers had been thrown from the wreck.


Snagging his cell phone and jumping out of the car, Blair quickly scanned the area, while dialing 911.  He knew immediately that four of the boys were dead.


Relaying the information to the 911 operator, Blair ran to the closer of the two boys and felt for a pulse, he was relieved when he found a strong steady beat.  Checking the teen over and finding no serious injuries, he moved onto the next boy.  This time he found no pulse, and he quickly realized that the boy wasn’t breathing.  Blair went into automatic pilot as he began CPR, all that mattered was keeping this boy alive.


He was only vaguely aware when one of the paramedics took over, while another started asking him questions about the boy’s condition.  Everything became a blur to Blair after that, all he could do was watch as the paramedics, police and fire fighters did their jobs.


He wasn’t aware of the presence beside him, or the soft voice that called to him, until a warm hand settled on his shoulder, he knew before he even turned around that it was Jim.


No words were exchanged, none were needed, as shocked, pain filled eyes met concerned, understanding ones.  Blair let Jim lead him away from the terrible nightmare before them.



Blair watched as the small sedan disappeared around the corner, a feeling of deja vu overcame him as he rounded the same corner to see the remains of the teenager’s car wrapped around a telegraph pole.


Blair jumped out of the car and ran to help the boys, but stopped, when he realized it wasn’t the teenagers, but his friends, Simon, Joel, Megan, Rafe, Brown and oh god JIM…


Blair woke, sitting bolt upright in his bed, breathing hard as he realized it was just a dream. Wasn’t it?


He looked up as the French doors opened and Jim’s concerned face peeked in through the door.


“Hey Chief, you OK?” Jim asked as he walked into the room, stopping beside Blair’s bed.


“Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine,” Blair, answered as he ran a shaky hand through his hair.  Taking a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart, he thought over the dream, it was just a dream.  No, it really happened, except that it wasn’t Jim and his friends in the car, but, oh god, those poor boys, their families.


A hand on his shoulder brought Blair back from his thoughts.


“Nightmare, Chief?” Blair just nodded; Jim sat down on the edge of the bed.


“Want to talk about it?” he asked


“Yes … No … I don’t know” Blair rubbed his hand over his eyes, he wanted to talk about it, to try and rationalize how four boys’ lives could end so suddenly, but he wasn’t ready to face that yet.


Jim seemed to understand


“Well, how about some dinner then”


Blair looked at Jim in confusion “Dinner”


“You’ve been asleep for over 12 hours, Junior,” Jim remarked as he walked out of the room.


“12 hours,” Blair grumbled as he dragged himself out of bed and quickly threw on some clothes.


Walking out of his room, and sitting at the kitchen table, Blair merely played with the food Jim had placed in front of him.


“You’re supposed to eat it Sandburg, not play with it.”


“I’m sorry, Jim, guess I’m not really that hungry.” With that Blair left the table and settled on the couch in the living room.


Jim sighed and cleared the table before joining Blair in the living room.


“Any more news?” Blair asked


Jim looked at Blair, trying to decide if he should tell Blair the news or not, in the end he decided it might help Blair open up. “Simon did call.” Blair looked up waiting for Jim to continue.


Taking a deep breath, Jim sat down next to Blair.  “The two boys are going to be fine, one’s already been released, and the other will be in hospital for a few more days,” Jim watched Blair for any reaction.  “The other four died almost instantly”


Blair nodded and closed his eyes.  “Do they know who they are … were”


“Yeah, their families were told a few hours ago.” Jim hesitated before continuing.


“Three of them were related, two were brothers”


“Brothers,” Blair repeated.  “Brothers!” Blair jumped up from the couch and began to pace


Jim let him go back and forth a few times before stepping in front of the younger man, stopping him by putting both hands on his shoulders.


“Oh, god, Jim, that poor family, losing two sons, it’s so unfair, they were so young, all of them.  I keep seeing them over and over again that last second just before they disappeared round that damn corner.” Blair stopped suddenly, feeling weak at the knees, he let Jim guide him down on to the couch.


“They just looked so full of life, they were having a great time, I mean they were speeding and six in a car is so dangerous, but it’s nothing that every young kid doesn’t do.  Hell even my friends and I went a little crazy at that age.”  Blair stopped his rambling and turned pained filled eyes to Jim


“Is that what your nightmare was about?” coaxed Jim


Blair dropped his eyes to the floor, and took another deep breath, trying to get himself back in control.


“Sort of.  I see the boys round the corner, then when I get there I see the … I see the car, and I start running to help them, only it’s not them.” Blair drew in another shaky breath as Jim put his hand on his shoulder again.


“It’s ok, Chief”


“It was you, and Simon, and the rest of the guys.”


“It was only a dream.”


“No!” Blair jumped up and resumed his pacing again.  “I mean, yes, that part was a dream, but, oh, god.” Blair hid his face in his hands as he felt the tears about to start.


Jim stepped forward and put his arm around Blair’s shoulders, pulling him in, Blair tensed for a few seconds before letting Jim comfort him.


“They were just having a good time Jim, enjoying their youth and one stupid mistake, one second, and it’s all over.”



The End

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Authors Notes:


This Story is in memory of Luke Direen, Damien Direen, David Direen and Ashley Zuba. Four boys who lost their lives because of one mistake.

Drinking and Driving do not mix, and speed does kill.



Also in the memory of Ingrid, Glenny, little Frankie and little Helen.

They will always be in my heart.



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