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Sometimes things happen that you want to remember forever and share with everyone. These are events such as that in our lives.

And Two Become One

Marriage Creed

I nspire warmth

L isten to each other

O pen your heart

V alue your union

E xpress your trust

Y ield to good sense

O verlook mistakes

U nderstand the differences

My girls with their dad at the Father Daughter Dance

November 23,1987 Rose Marie is born

July 10,1991 Elizabeth is born

April 22,1994 Robbie is born Dad holds him.

Our first Christmas together

Steve gets his High School Diploma

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Where to from here?

Home Links and Rings The Creator
Steve Mike Robbie
Me-Joyce Rose Elizabeth
Special Happenings Joyce’s Family In Memory of Links
Christmas New Years Adoptions
Steve’s Family Music Our Anniversery 1999
heart touching writings My Valentines St. Patricks