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Real Computer Help Online: From the beginner to the seasoned user, this website is designed to answer all of your computer questions and take some of the frustration out of trying to use Windows.



<arching eyebrows>Indicates the speaker arches eyebrows
<chuckle>Indicates the speaker chuckles
<frown>Indicates the speaker is frowning
<grin>Indicates the speaker is grinning
<smile>Indicates the one writing the message is smiling
<smirk>Indicates the one writing the message is smirking
<wink>Indicates the one writing the message is winking
501An excuse that's full of holes.
A-OLsAdministrators On-Line
AAMOFAs A Matter Of Fact
ADNAny Day Now
AFAIKAs Far As I Know
AFAIRAs Far As I Remember
AFJApril Fool’s Joke
AFK Away From Keyboard
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
ATMAt The Moment
AWCAfter While, Crocodile
AWGTHTGTTA?Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
AYTAre You There?
B4NBye For Now
BAKBack At Keyboard
BBFNBye Bye For Now
BBIAFBe Back In A Few
BBLBe Back Later
BBNBye Bye Now.
BBSBe Back Soon
BCNUBe seein’ you
BEGBig Evil Grin.
BFBoy Friend.
BRBBe Right Back
BTABut Then Again
BTWBy The Way
BWLBursting With Laughter.
BYKTBut You Knew That
BYOBBring Your Own Bottle
BYOMBring Your Own Mac
C&GChuckle and Grin.
CIDCrying In Disgrace.
CMIIWCorrect Me If I’m Wrong
CSGChuckle, Snicker, Grin.
CUSee You
CULSee you later
CUL8RSee You Later
CULASee You Later, Alligator
CYASee Ya.
CYAL8RSee You All Later.
DIKU?Do I Know You?
DKDon’t Know
DLTBBBDon't Let The Bed Bugs Bite.
dotgovA government official
DTRTDo The Right Thing
EGEvil Grin.
ESADEat Sh** And Die
F2FFace To Face
FCFSFirst Come, First Served
FITBFill In The Blank
FOADF*** off and die
FOAFFriend Of A Friend
FOLFriends Online
FSFor Sale
FUBARFouled Up Beyond All Repair
FUDFear, Uncertainty and Doubt
FWIWFor What It’s Worth
FYAFor Your Amusement
FYIFor Your Information
GGrin, or Giggle
GAGo Ahead
GALGet A Life
GD&RGrinning, Ducking and Running
GD&WVVFGrinning, Ducking, and Walking Very, Very Fast
GFGirl Friend.
GFNGone For Now.
GIWISTGee, I Wish I’d Said That
GMTAGreat Minds Think Alike
GTSYGreat To See You.
H&KHugs and Kisses.
HHISHanging Head In Shame.
HHOJHa Ha Only Joking
HHOKHa Ha Only Kidding
HHOSHa Ha Only Serious
HOYEWHanging On Your Every Word
HTHHope That Helps!
IACIn Any Case
IANALI Am Not A Lawyer
IAWIn Accordance With
IIRCIf I Remember Correctly
IJWTKI Just Want To Know
IJWTSI Just Want To Say
IKWUMI Know What You Mean
IMAI Might Add
IMAOIn My Arrogant Opinion
IMEIn My Experience
IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
IMNSHOIn My Not So Humble Opinion
IMOIn My Opinion
INPOIn No Particular Order
IOWIn Other Words
IRLIn Real Life
ISSI’m So Sure
ISSYGTII’m So Sure You Get The Idea!
ISWIMIf (you) See What I Mean
IWALUI Will Always Love You.
IWBNIIt Would Be Nice If
IYFEGInsert Your Favorite Ethnic Group (for ethnic jokes)
IYSWIMIf You See What I Mean
JAMJust A Minute
JICJust In Case
J/KJust Kidding
JMOJust My Opinion.
JTLYKJust To Let You Know .
KIBOKnowledge In, Bullshit Out
KITKeep In Touch.
KWIMKnow What I Mean?
KYFCKeep Your Fingers Crossed
LJBFLet’s Just Be Friends
LMAOLaughing My Ass Off
LMHOLaughing My Head Off
LOLLaughing Out Loud
LSHMBALaughing So Hard My Belly Aches
LSHMBHLaughing So Hard My Belly Hurts.
LTHTTLaughing Too Hard To Type
LTNSLong Time No See
LTSLaughing to Self.
LUWAMHLove You With All My Heart.
LYLove You.
MOTASMember Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTDMessage of the day
MOTOSMember Of The Opposite Sex
MOTSSMember Of The Same Sex
MYOBMind Your Own Business
NHOHNever Heard Of Him/Her
NPNo Problem.
OBOOr Best Offer
OBTWOh, By The Way
OICOh, I See
OOOver and Out
OTFLOn the Floor Laughing
OTOHOn The Other Hand
OTTOver The Top; too much
PDSPlease Don't Shout
PMFPardon My French
PMFBIPardon Me For Butting In
PMFJIPardon Me For Jumping In
PMJIPardon My Jumping In
PNCAHPlease, No Cursing Allowed Here
PTMMPlease Tell Me More
R U THERE?Are you there?
reIn regard to
RLReal Life
ROTFRolling On The Floor
ROTFLRolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAORolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
RSNReal Soon Now
RSVPRespondez S'il Vous Plait French for "please reply"
RTBMRead The Bloody Manual
RTFAQRead The Frequently Asked Questions
RTMRead The Manual
SECWait a second
SETESmiling Ear To Ear.
SNAFUSituation Normal: All Fouled Up
SOSignificant Other
SOLSH** Out Of Luck
SWIMSee What I Mean?
SWLScreaming With Laughter.
SYSSee You Soon.
TAFNThat’s All For Now
TANJThere Ain’t No Justice
TANSTAAFLThere Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TIAThanks In Advance
TICTongue In Cheek
TNTLTrying Not To Laugh
TNXE6Thanks A Million ("E6" means 10 to the 6th power = a million)
TOYThinking Of You.
TPTBThe Powers That Be
TTBOMKTo The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFNTa Ta For Now
TTKSFTrying To Keep a Straight Face
TTYLTalk To You Later
TTYTTalk To You Tomorrow.
TYThank You
TYVMThank You Very Much
UOKAre You OK?
WBWelcome Back
WDYTWhat Do You Think?
WIBNIWouldn’t It Be Nice If
WRTWith Regard To, or With Respect To
WTBWant To Buy
WTFWhat The F***?
WTGWay To Go!
WTGPWant To Go Private?
WTHWhat the hell?
WYGISWYPFWhat You Get Is What You Pay For
XOXOXOKisses and hugs
YABAYet Another Bloody Acronym
YAUNYet Another Unix Nerd
YGTIYou Get The Idea?
YGWYPFYou Get What You Pay For
YIUYes, I Understand
YIWGPYes, I Will Go Private
YMMVYour Mileage May Vary
YWYou're Welcome

: )Smile
: (Sad
: [Bored, sad
: |Bored, sad
:( )Loudmouth, talks all the time; or shouting
:**:Returning kiss
:+(Got punched in the nose
:-#My lips are sealed; or someone wearing braces
:->Very sad
:-><Puckered up to kiss
:-<Smile of happiness or sarcasm
:-)Classic smiley
:-/Wry face
:-9Licking lips
:-?Licking lips, or tongue in cheek
:-cVery unhappy
:-d~Heavy smoker
:-fSticking out tongue
:-IPondering, or impartial
:-iWry smile or half-smile
:-JTongue in cheek
:-jOne-sided smile
:-lOne-sided smile
:-MSpeak no evil
:-OOpen-mouthed, surprised
:-oSurprised look, or yawn
:-PSticking out tongue
:-pSticking tongue out
:-p~Heavy smoker
:-QTongue hanging out in disgust, or a smoker
:-rSticking tongue out
:-XMy lips are sealed; or a kiss
:-xKiss, or My lips are sealed
:-YAside comment
:-[Unsmiling blockhead; also criticism
:-]Smiling blockhead; also sarcasm
:-{)Smile with moustache
:-{)}Smile with moustache and beard
:-{}Blowing a kiss
:-|Indifferent, bored or disgusted
:-| :-|Deja vu
:-||Very angry
:-}Mischievous smile
:-~)A cold
:-~|A cold
:/)Not funny
:/iNo smoking
:PSticking out tongue
:XHear no evil
:\'-)Tears of happiness
:^DHappy, approving
:`-(Shedding a tear
:{Having a hard time
:~)A cold
; )Wink
; PWink with a raspberry
;-(Angry, or got a black eye
;-DWinking and laughing
`:-)Raised eyebrow
(-:Left-handed smile, or smiley from the southern hemisphere
(:-)Smiley variation
(:-\Very sad
(::()::)Bandaid, meaning comfort
(( )):**Hugs and kisses
((()))Lots of hugging (a name in the middle indicates the one being hugged)
^5High five
{{ }}Hug (a name in the middle indicates the one being hugged)
{}No comment
%(|:-) Propeller-head
%+{Got beat up
%-)Dazed or silly
%-\Hung over
%-|Worked all night
%-}Humorous or ironic
*<:-)Santa Claus
*<|:-)Santa Claus, or a clown
+<:-)Religious leader
+<:-|Monk or nun
+O:-)The Pope
@==Atomic bomb
@}-}--A rose
@}--}---A long-stemmed rose
12x@}---}---A dozen roses
<:>Devilish expression
<:->Devilish expression
<:-)Innocently asking dumb question
#-)Wiped out, partied all night
$-)Won the lottery, or money on the brain
>->Winking devil
>-)Devilish wink
>:)Little devil
>:->Very mischievous devil
>:-)Mischievous devil
>=^ PYuck
-)Tongue in cheek
2B|^2BTo be or not to be
7:)Ronald Reagan
7:^)Ronald Reagan
8 :-)Wizard
8)Wide-eyed, or wearing glasses
8-)Wide-eyed, or wearing glasses
8-[Frayed nerves; overwrought
8-|Wide-eyed surprise
= OSurprised
= XMy lips are sealed
=):-)=Abraham Lincoln
=:-)Punk, or hosehead
=^DBig grin
?(Black eye
?-(Black eye
!-(Black eye
!-)Proud of black eye
B-)Glasses or sunglasses
B:-)Sunglasses on head
d :-oHats off to you!
M-)See no evil
M-), :X, :-MSee no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
M:-)A salute
O 8-)Starry-eyed angel
O :-)Angel
O8-)Starry-eyed angel
P*French kiss
Q:-)College graduate
X-(Just died
[:-)Wearing a Walkman
[:-]Square head
\_/Empty glass
\~/Full glass
]:-)Happy devil
][Back to back
|-<>Puckered up for a kiss
|-(Sleepy, struggling to stay awake, or sleeping badly
|-DBig laugh
|-{Good grief!
}-)Wry smile
}: [Angry, frustrated
}{Face to face
~~:[Net flame
~ :-(Steaming mad
~:-(Flame message
~~:-(Especially hot flame message
~=Lit candle, indicating a flame (inflammatory message)
~==Begins a flame (inflammatory message)
-=Snuffed candle to end a flame message
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