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The Discovering Process

Where does excitement come from? It comes from an anticipation and expectation of something new. When your relationship with God seems dull, it's because you have stopped the discovering process. Oh, you may be a "christian", but you are not experiencing the new life in Christ. You just expect it to be the same as its always been.
When you are dating, all of your energy is focused on the other person. Your thoughts revolve around them. Their interests become your interests. You carefully make appointments with them to find out more of the depths of their personality. It's all exciting because you are in the discovery process.
A marriage can become stale after years because each person has abandoned the discovering process and accepted predictability. We know the habits of our spouse... They know the schedule of our day... We get up, eat the same old breakfast, clean the house, maybe watch tv, and go to bed, right on schedule. Of course. That's what we always do. It can get to be the same way with the Lord. We stopped making dates & appointments with Him, and we seldom bring Him our hearts anymore. We stopped feeling new when we abandoned the discovering of God. And what if that's ALL that Christianity is ?

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