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Elton's Car Audio Web Site

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I am thinking of taking offthe roleplay board, awards, points, all that junk and making this an informative web site. I wan't to know from all the members what they think of this change. If I do change this web site, it will be able to have more pictures and info on real car audio. If you have any further questions please E-mail me or at the E-mail address on the bottom of your screen. Hey also any of you car audio fanatics that have pictures of your ride send them to me at the same e-mail address, maybe I can get them posted on my site! One last thing all who visit my site click on the link below to boost my sites ratings. You can also buy some cool CD's from CDnow through my web site. Elton Jr.

The Car Stereo InterLink - Cable to the finest Car Stereo Sites Online




All Rights Reserved.All pages and text are copyright of Elton's Audio 1999. Any images, pictures, or articles may not be duplicated in any form unless a written consent or a notice is given to the owner(which is me Elton Jr.) Thank you henjoy my site, and have a nice day.



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