David's debut CD "Soulmates" is a collection of emotional melodies over a
blend of old and new R&B style grooves and contemporary jazz harmonies.

Click on a beating heart to hear 1 of 3 sample cuts from "Soulmates".
photo by Eva Hambach for imageinsolutions.com

95 North

Spin Cycle

Dyson's new CD "THE DAWNING" is now available at CD Baby.com as well as through "Lohandfunk"(Send $15 check or money order made out to "David Dyson" to: Lohandfunk/The Dawning,P.O.Box #2278 Hyattsville,Md. 20784). "SOULMATES" is also available
in stores nationwide
(distributed by Warner Brothers)
and on-line through
Amazon.com, Borders.com,
CDNow.com & Tower Records

For prices and bookings call (301)580-5390
or e-mail to lohandfunk@lycos.com

Pix & Clips
Equip & Endorsements
Music Dojo
Lo'hand Funk Records
Lil' Doc Productions, Inc.
Muthaplucka Publishing
Schedule & Tour Info