Albert Einstein { 1879 - 1955 }
Beer in the Civil War !! ?? I thought it was Scotch and Gin.
I borrowed it from one site that had borrowed it from another. If you have any
Interesting Facts about the Civil War
The Civil War highlighted the need for trained nurses in America. Physicians became interested in this issue and the American Medical Association formed a committee to study it. The committee, chaired by Dr. Samuel Gross, emphasized the importance of nurse education, noting the similarity to the needs of medical education. The group recommended that all hospitals have a school of nursing which would be under the purview of the local medical society and that nursing societies be established to facilitate provision of nursing care in home settings.
Who was the 1st Maj. General to be killed west of the Mississippi?
Gen.Nathaniel Lyon, at the battle of Wilsons Creek Missouri (Oak Hills) Submitted by Jon-Erik Gilot
General Longstreet fought the Battle of Antietam in Carpet Slippers, due to an injured heel.
The most contested town in the war was Winchester, Va., changing hands 76 times.
When U.S Grant married in 1848, his best man was James Longstreet.
Both armies regularly passed the time by staging lice races.
The oldest officer in the war was 83 when commissioned in 1862... Maj. General William Wilkens.
The youngest officer in the war was made 2nd Lt. when he was 13 years old... E.G. Baxter of the 7th Kentucky (Confederate).
The tune for "The Bonnie Blue Flag" was borrowed from the old song "The Irish Jaunting Car." The tune is still heard today as the fight song for Georgia Tech.
Among the Union wounded was future U.S. president, Lt. Col. Rutherford B. Hayes. Another future president in the Battle of South Mountain was Sgt. William McKinley.
Although 4000 shells were fired at Ft. Sumter (in 1861), not a single man was wounded or killed in the exchange.
The Record for most horses shot out from under a rider is 29 ... and that rider was Lt. General N. B. Forrest.
The Union victory at Antietam persuaded President
Lincoln to issue his Emancipation Proclamation.
Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, made her first appearance as a volunteer nurse at Antietam. At one point, a stray bullet passed through her sleeve, killing a soldier she was caring for.
Cadet Lewis Armistead was expelled from West Point for breaking a dinner plate over the head of cadet Jubal Early.
-- Sent in by Joe Davis of the 63rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry.
The first carrier task force of the US Navy, began operations on the Potomac River, when John La Mountain used the armed steamer "Fanny" to launch OBSERVATION BALLOONS off fortress Monroe, at Hampton Roads Va.
The record for bounty jumping was held by John O'Commor. He admitted enlisting and jumping 32 times before being caught; he served a four year prison term.
The first vessel dedicated to the launch and recovery, of aerial craft was the barge, George Washington Park Custis, a coal barge converted especially for this purpose. These began operation in August of 1861!-- Sent in by Peter Polly & Glenn Meek of a Confederate Arizona Signal Corp.
General Stonewall Jackson made Belle Boyd an honorary member of his staff with the rank of Captain for the intelligence she provided in the capture of Front Royal, Virginia.
Of the 10 Union officers inside Fort Sumpter, 6 became major generals, 3 were killed, one of those who went south, and one became a colonel.-- Sent in by Pvt. Stanton of Co. F of thePatapsco Guard 1st Maryland Vol. (Union).
"Disillusioned by the tactics and goals of the Klan, Forrest resigned as Grand Wizard and tried to disband the organization. The KKK, seemingly not realizing the prewar society could never return, continued without him" (AS IT WS)"
In the last year of the war, more than one-fourth of the Confederate soldiers in the eastern armies had been drafted.
During her lifetime, the CSS Alabama never entered a single Confederate port.
Confederate prisoners captured at Saylor's Creek included Maj. Gen. George Washington Curtis Lee, eldest son of Robert E. Lee.
General Nathan Bedford Forrest had three horse shot out from underneath him, but he suffered only bruises and soreness.
ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETARY USED TO BE ROBERT E. LEE'S MANSION. But, it was his wife's house before his. HIS WIFE's name was named Mary Lee. She was once Mary Custis because she WAS THE GRANDDAUGHTER OF MARTHA WASHINGTON. -- Sent in by David B. of Chandler, Arizona.
General Daniel Sickles of the Federal III Corps, was the first person in the United States to use the plea of "Temporary Insanity" in the case of murder. Sickles killed his wife's lover after catching them in the act.
-- Sent in by Pvt. Ashley Elder of the 121st Ohio Volunteers, Marion
General George Armstrong Custer captured the first and the last battle flag of the Civil War. He was also given the table on which the treaty to end the war was written.
-- Sent in by Pvt. Matt Slechter of the 26th NC from Asheville, NC.
The 101st Airborne Div during WWII adopted an official eagle mascot, "Young Abe." The bird was reputed to be a descendant of "Old Abe." At least the tradition and part of the name were descended from the 8th Wisconsin Inf Rgt. (Ref: News releases, HQs, 101st
Airborne Div, Ft Bragg, NC, 1942, MiscFile.)
The Confederate 1st Louisiana allegedly had men of 37 different nationalities in its ranks. (Submitted by Steve Hecker, 1st Sgt, 44th NCT)
More than 10,000 soldiers under the age of eighteen served in the Union armies.
Bayonets accounted for less than 4% of battlefield wounds; artillery fire caused less than five per cent. Bullets, on the other hand, caused more than 90% of the wounds.
Who was Johnny Clem and what did he do?
Johnny Clem was a drummer boy, and when he got into battle he picked up a musket a fought. The "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," remained with the army his entire life. He retired shortly before World War I, holding the rank of Major General. He was buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetary.
(Submitted by David Moore, 12th NJ and
Bret Cortright, Company A, First Kansas Volunteer Infantry
What was the most common weapon used in the Civil War?
.69 caliber Springfield
(Submitted by David Moore, 12th NJ)
What was the most desired weapon of the Civil War?
Spencer repeating rifle
(Submitted by David Moore, 12th NJ)
The Union 39th New York (Garibaldi Guard) had men of fifteen> different nationalities, so that seven languages were in common use:
English, French, Italian, German, Hungarian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
(Submitted by Steve Hecker, 1st Sgt, 44th NCT)
One Battle With Seven Names:
White Oak Swamp / Frayser's Farm / Glendale / Charles City Cross Roads / Nelson's Farm / Turkey Bend / New Market Cross Roads, Va. June 30, 1862.(Submitted by Steve Hecker, 1st Sgt, 44th NCT)
MC then recounts the Legend of St. Barbara:
Saint Barbara was the extremely beautiful daughter of a wealthy heathen named Dioscorus, who lived near Nicomedia in Aais Minor. She was so beautiful, her father was fearful that she be demanded in marriage and taken away from him, so he shut her up in a tower to protect her from the outside world.
Shortly before embarking on a journey, he commissioned a sumptuous bathhouse to be built for her, approving the design before he departed. Barbara had heard of the teachings of Christ, and while her father was gone, she spent much time in contemplation. From the windows of her tower, she looked out upon the surrounding countryside and marveled at the growing things; the trees, the animals and the people. She decided that all thse must be part of a Master Plan, and that the idols of wood and stone worshipped by her parents must be condemned as false. Gradually she came to accept the Christian faith.
As her belief became firm, she directed that the builders redesign the bathhouse her father had planned, adding a third window so that the three windows might symbolize the Holy Trinity.
When her father returned, he was enraged at the changes and infuriated when Barbara acknowledged that she was a Christian. He dragged her before the prefect of the province, who decreed that she be tortured and put to death by beheading. Dioscorus dragged her behind a horse to the top of a mountain, and there he beheaded her with his sword. As he did the deed, there was an enormous clap of thunder, he was struck dead by lightning, and his body consumed.
Saint Barbara lived and died about the year 300 A.D. She was venerated as early as the 7th Century, and the manner of her father's death caused her to be regarded as the patron saint in time of danger from thunderstorms, fires, and sudden death.
When gunpowder made its appearance in the Western world, Saint Barbara was invoked for aid against accidents resulting from explosions, and since early artillery pieces had an unfortunate tendency to explode instead of actually firing the projectile, Saint Barbara became the Patroness of Artillerymen in ll of Christendom.
Saint Barbara is usually represented standing by a tower with three windows, carrying the palm of a martyr in her hand. Often, too, she holds a chalice and a sacramental wafer and sometimes cannon are displayed near her. In the present calendars, the Feast of Saint Barbara falls on December 4th, and is tradionally recognized by a formal Dining-In or military dinner, often involving presentation of the Order of Saint Barbara.
The Order of Saint Barbara is an honorary military society of the United States Field Artillery. Both U.S. Marine and Army field artillery, along with their miltary and civilian supporters are eligible for membership. There are two levels of recognition... The most distinguished is the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara, and those who are selected for this honor have achieved long-term, exceptional service to the field artillery surpassing even their brethren in the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. Member of the Orders are permitted to award the "Medalion of Saint Barbara" to artillerymen who are members of the Field Artillery Association for various achievements.
Thus, Artillerymen of the present are linked with artillerymen of the past in a brotherhood of professionalism, selfless service, and sacrifice symbolized by Saint Barbara.
Into a large iron kettle, or suitable crock pot, the first soldier pours a container of previous years' punch, and explains that this represent "Tradition."
The second soldier pours in bright red fruit punch.... He explains that this represents the official color of artillery in every army.
The third pours in some dark rum, representing the "Coming of the Storm."
The fourth pours in some deep red wine, which represents the "Bloodshed of Our Brothers."
The fifth pours in golden-colored rum, representing the "Hope of Victory."
The sixth pours in peach brandy, representing "Confiscated Officers' Stores."
The seventh pours in spring water, representing the "Importance of Fresh Water."
The eighth pours in bourbon, representing the "Southern Gentleman's Drink."
The ninth pours in lime/lemon juice, to "Ward off scurvy."
The tenth drops in some rose petals, representing "Love for our Women."
The eleventh pours in molasses, representing "Axle Grease," to keep the wheels turning.
The twelth pours in mixture of lemon juice and brown sugar, "Squeezings from the Sponge."
The thirteenth pours in dark apple cider, "The cleaning water from the Sponge Bucket."
The fourteenth puts in some coffee and parched corn, "Food for the common soldier."
The fifteenth puts in mixture of water and brown sugar, "Mud from the battlefields."
The sixteenth puts in the black cake decoration, "Gunpowder."
The seventeenth puts in chocolate covered cherries, "Cannister Shot."
The eighteenth puts in a horse-shoe to "Honor the horses."
After this..... The YOUNGEST member of the group is asked to come forward and taste the concoction, to see if it is suitable.... He grimaces, and says, "This won't do. Something is missing." The groups wonders what it can be.... Finally the OLDEST member of the group pipes up from the rear.... "I know what is missing..." and comes to the front with a wool sock, dusted with powdered suger, representing the dust of the march..... He dusts it off a time or two to scatter the sugar, and throws it into the container, which is stirred again.....
Then the Commander is asked to come forward and taste it again..... If he hides the clean sock and sugar in his boot, and practices a little "slight of hand," he can rip off his old sock and walk to the kettle wearing one boot and the other barefoot... Makes a great scene. He exhibits an air of sublime pleasure.... and orders everyone to come forward and partake.
Artillery Punch---5th Infantry Division (Mechanized) Artillery
Mix the following ingredients together, and then let it stand for two hours to ripen. Pour it over a large block of ice in a punch bowl and serve.
1 1/2 fifths rye whiskey
1 1/2 fifths claret
6 cups strong black tea
1 1/2 pints dark Jamaican rum
3/4 pint gin
3/4 pint cognac
3 ounces Benedictine (for the red color)
3 cups of orange juice
1 1/2 cups of lemon juice
Replenish the punch bowl as needed. Be sure to have a designated driver. Some units like to float an army sock in the punch bowl for a more authentic taste.
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