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[21 km] [Sprint triathlon]

21km race

This graphic shows the average pulse per minute during a 21 km race. Determining the "anaerobic threshold" for each race or each level of physical conditioning is an important goal for those who are interested in cardiac monitoring. In this example one can see the cardiac frequency less than 165 beats per minute during almost the entire race. However from the 18th km the pulse becomes elevated (172-180) due to the increase in velocity (lasting 15 minutes). I am interested in your opinion: Would it have been better to maintain a pulse in the range of 165-169?

Esta gráfica muestra el promedio de pulso por minuto durante una carrera de 21 Km. Determinar el "anaerobic threshold" para cada carrera y momento de condición física es un reto para los usuarios de monitor cardiaco. En este ejemplo, se observa la frecuencia cardiaca menor a 165 latidos por minuto durante casi toda la carrera, sin embargo en el Km 18 el pulso se elevó (172-180) debido al incremento de la velocidad (15 minutos). Me interesa su opinión: ¿Hubiera sido mejor mantener 165-169 como promedio fijo?

  Sprint triathlon

In this example there are two variables that change. The first is the sprint triathlon, which lasts less time than the 21 km race. For this reason I exerted myself 95-98% of my maximum during as much time as possible. The other variable is that there was one month of training between the two events and I had more confidence the second time. I received third place in my age-category, yet still have a question. Since this time there was not a final sprint, I had two episodes of my pulse exceeding 180 bpm, and I ended completely exhausted, do you think that I should try to maintain my pulse at 5 bpm less during the race?

En este ejemplo, hay dos variables que cambiaron, la primera: es un triatlón sprint con menor duración que la carrera de 21 k, por lo que decidí al 95-98 % de mi esfuerzo máximo durante el mayor tiempo posible; la otra variable es que hubo un mes de entrenamiento entre un evento y el otro y tenía mayor confianza. Obtuve el tercer lugar de mi categoría, pero ahora la pregunta es ¿debí ir 5 pulsos menos?, pues ahora no hubo "cierre" además durante la carrera hubo dos picos de más de 180 pulsos/min. y terminé exhausto