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My name is Jeri and I feel kinda silly talking about myself, family and interests. I have them but doesn't it seem to make you wanna say, "Gee, what do I say about myself that's interesting without putting the reader to sleep or sounding "stupid"?" Well...I was born in Detroit, MI, in the mid-60's (gives you a "general" idea of my age). However, my parents moved us to California when I was just 2. I guess that would make me an "adopted native" of California. I still live in S. California (outside of Los Angeles). I'm from a pretty big family. I have 3 half-sisters, 1 whole sister, and 1 whole brother. I find it easier to say I have 4 sisters and 1 brother...makes my life easier and I don't have to explain. I am very close to my youngest sister Mimi, my sister April, and my brother Tom (Please, no "Tom and Jerry" jokes). The same goes for my extended family. My father's side is who I refer to when I think in terms of "family". My Aunt Jacki has been a tremendous influence in my life. She's taught me so many things that shaped me and made me the person I am today. She's always been there for me whether it's to give me some "motherly" advice or just to listen. I love you Aunt Jacki! (Aunt Joyce and Aunt Judy, if you're reading this, I love you both too!) I'm married to Albert and have 3 grown stepsons. We've been married since 1991. We like to dance, listen to music, and sing (we actually have a karaoke/laser disc player: SCARY). We'll never win the "grammy" for "best singing duo", "male" or "female" artist but it's fun. Our friends say we remind them of "Lucy and Ricky Ricardo." Albert's from the Philippines so you can image the accent he has. This is particularly funny when he sings. I'm like Lucy and sarcastic with his English (i.e. don't is dun't). We like to travel, go to Vegas, "veg-out" in front of the tv, watch movies, and try out different restaurants and cuisines. Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope you haven't fallen asleep from sheer boredom.


Jeri is...
a wonderful person
a cool name


Fun Stuff
Lucky Charms
Chinese Zodiak
What's Y'all's Sign?

sign guestbook

Sister Mimi's Massage Site
Cousin Bobby

Graphics & Layout By Kymira Designs. ©1998-2004 Jeri Tirona.