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        Welcome to the Message board / Forum Section. These are some of the best and lively Indiana Jones forums around. You can visit them by clicking on the map with the red 'X' and also vote for the best one on the right in the voting section. Also if you are a webmaster of an Indiana Jones / Adventure site and you have a lively message board (more than 10 posts a day is acceptable) you can email me and I'll review it and add it to the list - The Raven Forum
    Very nice forum which I happen to like a lot, boasts a number of forum sections such as General Table, Games Table, FanWork Table, Collector's Table, Indy 4 Table, Indy DVD Table and the Misc Table. The tables are basically sections there different topics are discussed.
Click to Visit Forum - IndyWEB Forum
    Also a great Indiana Jones forum, this one is also very active in the community. Consists of the following Sections: Indiana Jones Board, IndyWear Board, Fan Media Board, Community Board, Trading Post, and Announcements. Haven't used this board a lot but I hear good things, vote for it if you like it on the right.
Click to Visit Forum - Indy Fan Forum
    Some would argue that this board looks old (like me) but after looking at it you will notice that with a forum its not the look that counts, its the content. And the Indy fan forum lives up to its name, its overflowing with Indy fans. Unlike the Raven and Indy-Web forums this one does not require you to sign up in order to post, you simply fill out your name (or leave it anonymous if you please). Simply a great board for fans.
Click to Visit Forum - Club Obi-Wan
    Using a great name the IndyGear crew named this forum right. As we all know Club Obi-Wan was featured in TOD. The forum is mostly for Indy gear related issues although its a lively one as well, this features a similar layout to the IndyFAN forum and requires no sign up as well.
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The Raven
Indy-Web Forum
IndyFAN forum
Club Obi Wan

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