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The Crow:
The Link Between The Land Of The Living And The Realm Of The Dead

People once believed that when someone dies a crow carries that soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it. And the soul can't rest. And sometimes the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right. -Sarah

The Crow was released in 1994 by Miramax Pictures and Edward R. Pressman Film Corp. Starring Brandon Lee as Eric Draven, this innovative cross-genre film was based on James O'Barr's graphic novel. In fact, O'Barr makes a brief appearance in the film as a looter after Gideon's pawnshop explodes. O'Barr spent several hours discussing Eric's character with Brandon Lee. "More than anyone else, Brandon kept the film true to the comic," stated O'Barr.

The Crow almost never made it to theaters because of Bandon Lee's unfourtunate death during shooting. The making of the film actually ran into several obstacles, but none were worse than the death of Brandon. The firing of a prop gun became disasterous when a fragment lodged in the gun discharged and shot Brandon in the abdomen. Brandon was rushed to the hospital but later died. Brandon was only 28 years old at the time of his death. After a short delay in filming, the production crew decided to finish the movie as a tribute to Brandon. The movie went on to have a huge impact on audiences world-wide and critics everywhere deemed Brandon's portrayal of Eric Draven as nothing short of sensational.

I cannot count the number of times I have seen The Crow. Each and every time I do, though, I am amazed of the brilliant writing of the movie. Without a doubt, The Crow is one of the best movies that I have had the pleasure to see. What moves me the most about this film is the concept that love can be so strong, in life and even in death. Eric's return from the dead exactly one year after his death and the death of his fiance, Shelly, sets the stage for the action that follows. However, throughout the revenge that Eric seeks, he is reminded of the love that he and Shelly shared. In the end, Eric finished what he had come back to do. He "put the wrong things right," and is once again reunited with Shelly in the graveyard. Shelly reaches down and touches Eric's face. When two people love each other nothing can keep them apart. Shelly and Eric hold each other, disappearing into the mist. Forever is now. Devil's Night is over.

If you have not seen this movie I highly recommend that you do. It is truly an exhilarating, fast-paced movie. I honestly feel that this film is Brandon Lee's best performance, and would have pushed him up the ranks of stardom had it not been for his untimely death. Ernie Hudson also does a remarkable job in the role of Officer Albrecht. Officer Albrecht is an important character in the film. He is first seen at the loft where Eric and Shelly were murdered. It is here that he meets Sarah for the first time. Eric and Shelly were Sarah's surrogate family, and after their deaths, Albrecht remains close to Sarah. The common link between the two of them forged by the death of Eric and Shelly. Albrecht is also haunted by Shelly's death. Albrecht was with Shelly when she died. The painful memory of her traumatic death is something he cannot let go. Eric is aware of this and seeks out Albrecht. They first meet after Gideon's pawnshop exploded. Eric asked Albrecht if he remembered Shelly Webster, which in turn made Albrecht very nervous. Later in the film, Eric visits Albrecht to find out what happened to Shelly a year ago. Eric experiences Shelly's traumatic death when he touches Albreacht's face. Eric has a vision of Shelly through Albrecht's eyes, seeing her anguished final hours.

There are two sub-plots in The Crow that have stood out to me since the first time I saw the film. The first is when Eric enters Gideon's pawnshop, quoting Edgar Allen Poe, to look for the engagement ring that he gave Shelly. When he finally finds the ring in the metal box, he presses it between his fingers and is immediately flooded with bright, searing memories. Eric simply says Shelly's name as he holds the ring up to the light. He hears her voice say, "I love you." Hearing Shelly's voice, Eric is reminded of when he gave Shelly the ring. "It's beautiful," Shelly says as she holds the ring in her hand. It's as though she's holding their happiness, the promise of their future together, in her hand. Holding the ring at Gideon's, Eric also remembers that the night Shelly was murdered was the night before he was to marry her.

After Eric finishes his revenge by killing Skank, he makes his way back to the churchyard to be with Shelly once again. Sarah is waiting for him at the cemetary. Eric gives her Shelly's ring on a silver chain, and asks her forgiveness for not coming to say goodbye. When Sarah leaves the cemetary she is captured by Grange and taken to Top Dollar, where Top Dollar breaks the chain and takes the ring from Sarah. The ring is returned to Sarah at the end of the film, though. Sarah returns to the cemetary, and as she approaches the grave sites the Crow flies over her and perches on Eric's headstone. Sarah puts out her hand toward the Crow and the bird drops Shelly's ring into her palm. "Thanks," Sarah says, then turns and walks out of the cemetary.

The second sub-plot that truly has meaning to me is the relationship between Sarah and her mother, Darla. In the beginning of the film Sarah has no relationship with her mom, and in fact, is much closer to Eric and Shelly. Even the bartender at The Pit where Darla works recognizes that Darla is a terrible mom to Sarah. "No place for a child," states the bartender as Sarah sits at the bar and watches her junkie mother, stoned and joylessly laughing, go upstairs with Funboy. However, a visit from Eric forces darla to take a second look at her life. Eric seeks vengeance on Funboy and when he drags Funboy into his bathroom he sees Darla waiting fearfully. Eric then grabs Darla and forces her to look at herself in the mirror. "Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children," Eric tells her. "Do you understand?" He then grips her arm and makes the drugs ooze out from her arm. Eric then releases Darla and as she runs from Funboy's apartment Eric tells her, "Your daughter is out there on the streets, waiting for you." The next morning sarah is awakened by the sound of Darla cooking breakfast. Sarah is shocked by what she sees, but Darla tells her daughter that she was visited by a friend. Sarah recognizes the effort that Darla is making to turn her life around. She no longer calls her Darla, it is her mother who is cooking her breakfast.

I have seen The Crow so many times that I cannot even keep count. I must have trully enjoyed the movie, afterall, I have a tattoo of the picture above on my right ankle. I have also spent many of long nights surfing the web for more information about the film. And believe me there are quite a few sites dedicated to the movie and to Brandon Lee. I currently have over 30 MB of pictures, wav files, and movie trailers from the film. I wish I could place some on this site but because of limited space I cannot. However, I can point you in the right direction to find all the information, pictures, wav files, and avi's you could possible want concerning the film. I hope you enjoy these sites as much as I did.

Mike's Brandon Lee Page
Cecil's Crow Homepage
The Crow Fan Fiction Archive
The Crow Fan Page

If you would like your site added to this list please E-mail me the URL and I will add it immediately.

If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever. -Sarah

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