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Hope's Destiny -chapter1-

Hope's Destiny

Chapter 1

Xena and Gabrielle were just finished with a problem with a giant in a village in Thessaly, of course Xena insisted on not using either the mirror..or flying parchment method again.  They were now in a tavern getting something to eat, ridding the world of giant creatures can be tiring work, especially when the villages detested them killing 'the poor dear, who's simply lost his way in life". "Xena, do you think Hope chose to be the way she was?" Gabrielle asked the warrior princess "not now Gabrielle, Hope is gone, she's not coming back, that's all there is to it, right?" "right" "Gabrielle....." "OK OK, I admit it, she was my daughter afterall, i just can't help thinking that maybe she was forced to be that way, not given a choice you know" "yeah I know, it is hard believing your daughter could be evil, but Gabrielle, she is..was, and you've got to let it go" " I guess...but what if-" Xena cut her off "you said yourself, to Seraphin, you can't play what if, it just doesn't work that way" "yeah, i guess you're right, Hope is dead and she's not coming back"      Ares approached the village of Serios, his deed, to destroy it, and bring dahak at least 100 blood sacrifices, a simple deed for the god of war. Ares set all the houses and such alight, he transported all the survivors to the temple where Dahak's fire burned in a great rainbow of light, they felt only a small tingling sensation for no more time than it takes to pick up a stone. Ares followed the mortals to his temple. "welcome to my temple, I am Ares, god of war, Dahak has requested sacrifices, in exchange for a favour I have asked, and you…are my sacrifices"

By the biggest little Xenite in Existence,Rebecca - Xena13

Chapter 2