Sakiyuki or Sukiyaki

10 Servings

This, I suppose, should be labeled "stew" - but as it is an unusual dish it had better be known by its unusual name. It is a good thing to serve from a chafing dish.

Melt in a saucepan a scant:
1/4 pound suet (butter may be substituted)
Cut into very thin slices across the grain and brown in the fat:
2 1/2 pounds fillet of beef
Boil and add to it approximately:
2 1/2 Cups beef stock or canned bullion
Cut into very thin slices and add:
2 Cups bamboo shoots
20 young green onions
2 seeded green peppers
2 stalks celery
1/2 pound fresh or canned mushrooms
Season the stew with:
1/4 Cup or more soy sauce
2 Tablespoons sugar
Cook these ingredients gently for 15 minutes - no more.
Serve them at once with:
Boiled Rice.

The 2006 edition contains a larger quantity of ingredients, including tofu, Napa cabbage and lily buds, but instead of 10 servings it is 6-8.

A new study, publised in the Annals of Internal Medicine, details the differeces in portion size, caloric count and content [ie. ground beef in 1936 is beef cubes in the 2006 version of Chili Con Carne] in the 1936 and 2006 editions of the Joy of Cooking.

©2010 Patricia Bixler Reber


Joy of Cooking changes in 1936 and 2006 editions